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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 История древнего мира
 Excavations at Nemea IV
 Excavations at Nemea IV

 Автор: Jorge J. Bravo III
 The Seer and the City
 The Seer and the City

 Автор: Margaret Foster

  Seers featured prominently in ancient Greek culture, but they rarely appear in archaic and classical colonial discourse. Margaret Foster exposes the ideological motivations behind this discrepancy and reveals how colonial discourse privileged the city’s founder and his dependence on Delphi, the colonial oracle par excellence, at the expense of the independent seer. Investigating a  sequence of literary texts, Foster e

 Автор: Christopher Clark

  „Wybuch wojny w 1914 roku to nie kryminal Agathy Christie, w ktorym na koncu odkryjemy winnego stojacego nad zwlokami w oranzerii z dymiacym pistoletem. W tej opowiesci nie ma zadnego dymiacego pistoletu; czy tez raczej kazda z glownych postaci trzyma w rekach po jednym z nich. Widziany w tym swietle wybuch tamtej wojny byl tragedia, a nie zbrodnia. Uznanie tego faktu nie oznacza, ze powinnismy pomniejszac wojowniczosc i imperialistyczna paranoj

 Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics
 Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics contributes to the recovery and understanding of ancient rhetorics in non-Western cultures and other cultures that developed independently of classical Greco-Roman models. Contributors analyze facets of the rhetorics as embedded within the particular cultures of ancient China, Egypt, Mesopotamia, the ancient Near East more generally, Israel, Japan, India, and ancient Ireland.
 Said the Prophet of God
 Said the Prophet of God

 Автор: Joel Blecher

  Although scholars have long studied how Muslims authenticated and transmitted Muhammad’s sayings and practices (hadith), the story of how they interpreted and reinterpreted the meanings of hadith over the past millennium has yet to be told. Joel Blecher takes up this charge, illuminating the rich social and intellectual history of hadith commentary at three critical moments and locales: classical Andalusia, medieval E
 Greek Gods Abroad
 Greek Gods Abroad

 Автор: Robert B. Parker

  From even before the time of Alexander the Great, the Greek gods spread throughout the Mediterranean, carried by settlers and largely adopted by the indigenous populations. By the third century b.c., gods bearing Greek names were worshipped everywhere from Spain to Afghanistan, with the resulting religious systems a variable blend of Greek and indigenous elements.&#160;<I>Greek Gods Abroad</I>&#160;examines the interaction be

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Melania the Elder and her granddaughter Melania the Younger were major figures in early Christian history, using their wealth, status, and forceful personalities to shape the development of nearly every aspect of the religion we now know as Christianity. This volume examines their influence on late antique &#160;Christianity and provides an insightful portrait of their legacies in the modern world. Departing from the traditionally patriarcha
 Late Antique Letter Collections
 Late Antique Letter Collections

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Bringing together an international team of historians, classicists, and scholars of religion, this volume provides the first comprehensive overview of the extant Greek and Latin letter collections of late antiquity (ca. 300&ndash;600 c.e.). Each chapter addresses a major collection of Greek or Latin literary letters, introducing the social and textual histories of each collection and examining its assembly, publication, and transmission. Con
 Epiphanius of Cyprus
 Epiphanius of Cyprus

 Автор: Andrew S. Jacobs

  Epiphanius, Bishop of Constantia on Cyprus from 367 to 403 C.E., was incredibly influential in the last decades of the fourth century. Whereas his major surviving text (the <I>Panarion</I>, an encyclopedia of heresies) is studied for lost sources, Epiphanius himself is often dismissed as an anti-intellectual eccentric, a marginal figure of late antiquity. In this book, Andrew Jacobs moves Epiphanius from the margin back toward the ce
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