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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 История древнего мира
 Shenoute of Atripe and the Uses of Poverty
 Shenoute of Atripe and the Uses of Poverty

 Автор: Ariel G. Lopez

  Shenoute of Atripe: stern abbot, loquacious preacher, patron of the poor and scourge of pagans in fifth-century Egypt. This book studies his numerous Coptic writings and finds them to be the most important literary source for the study of society, economy and religion in late antique Egypt. The issues and concerns Shenoute grappled with on a daily basis, Ariel Lopez argues, were not local problems, unique to one small corner of the ancient world
 Doctrine and Power
 Doctrine and Power

 Автор: Carlos R. Galvao-Sobrinho


 Автор: Stephen G. Miller

  From the informal games of Homer's time to the highly organized contests of the Roman world, Miller has compiled a trove of ancient sources: Plutarch on boxing, Aristotle on the pentathlon, Philostratos on the buying and selling of victories, Vitruvius on literary competitions, and Xenophon on female body building. <i>Arete </i>offers readers an absorbing lesson in the culture of Greek athletics from the greatest of teachers, th

 The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India
 The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India

 Автор: Getzel M. Cohen

  This is the third volume of Getzel Cohen’s important work on the Hellenistic settlements in the ancient world. Through the conquests of Alexander the Great, his successors and others, Greek and Macedonian culture spread deep into Asia, with colonists settling as far away as Bactria and India. In this book, Cohen provides historical narratives, detailed references, citations, and commentaries on all the Graeco-Macedonian settlements founded (or r
 Creating a Common Polity
 Creating a Common Polity

 Автор: Emily Mackil

  In the ancient Greece of Pericles and Plato, the <i>polis,</i> or city-state, reigned supreme, but by the time of Alexander, nearly half of the mainland Greek city-states had surrendered part of their autonomy to join the larger political entities called <i>koina.</i> In the first book in fifty years to tackle the rise of these so-called Greek federal states, Emily Mackil charts a complex, fascinating map of how shared re
 Caesar in the USA
 Caesar in the USA

 Автор: Maria Wyke

  The figure of Julius Caesar has loomed large in the United States since its very beginning, admired and evoked as a gateway to knowledge of politics, war, and even national life. In this lively and perceptive book, the first to examine Caesar's place in modern American culture, Maria Wyke investigates how his use has intensified in periods of political crisis, when the occurrence of assassination, war, dictatorship, totalitarianism or empir

 Автор: Aloys Winterling

  The infamous emperor Caligula ruled Rome from A.D. 37 to 41 as a tyrant who ultimately became a monster. An exceptionally smart and cruelly witty man, Caligula made his contemporaries worship him as a god. He drank pearls dissolved in vinegar and ate food covered in gold leaf. He forced men and women of high rank to have sex with him, turned part of his palace into a brothel, and committed incest with his sisters. He wanted to make his horse a c

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Theodoret's People
 Theodoret's People

 Автор: Adam M. Schor

  Theodoret’s People sheds new light on religious clashes of the mid-fifth century regarding the nature (or natures) of Christ. Adam M. Schor focuses on Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus, his Syrian allies, and his opponents, led by Alexandrian bishops Cyril and Dioscorus. Although both sets of clerics adhered to the Nicene creed, their contrasting theological statements led to hostilities, violence, and the permanent fracturing of the Christian comm
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