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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 История древнего мира
 The Pursuit of the Sacred
 The Pursuit of the Sacred

 Автор: John Chitakure

  Globalization has taken the world by storm and has facilitated the unprecedented migrations of the peoples of this world. Whether we like it or not, we will meet foreigners in our communities, schools, universities, buses, and other public places. But, when people migrate they take their religions with them. If people of different religious traditions are to live side by side amicably, interfaith dialogue becomes imperative. But, for people to b
 Ken Sumrall and Church Foundational Network
 Ken Sumrall and Church Foundational Network

 Автор: Terry D. Shiver

  This is the first extensive examination of the life of Ken Sumrall and his firm belief in the modern-day apostolic restoration movement. It presents Sumrall's journey from his Baptist beginnings, through his experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, through his learning struggles with Liberty Fellowship of Churches and Ministers, and into his birthing of Church Foundational Network. It represents Sumrall in his own light, while dealing
 Becoming Christian
 Becoming Christian

 Автор: Nancy L. Kuehl

  The evolution of Christianity as it is known today began in Antioch, but as Becoming Christian reveals, it had once been quite different. While most histories gloss over the earliest period of Christianity to begin with the Christian establishment, this book uncovers the little-known history within the «gap» between 31 and 70 CE, when the Jesus Movement was headquartered in Jerusalem under the authority of James bar Joseph, the brother of Jesus,

 It Feels Like the Burning Hut
 It Feels Like the Burning Hut

 Автор: Martha Gatkuoch

  Martha Gatkuoch is a young Sudanese woman who lived through unthinkable trauma. She was a child when her idyllic rural village in Southern Sudan was attacked. She and her brothers were separated from their parents in a heartbreaking journey that took them from their homeland to a refugee camp in Uganda, and then through a difficult journey in the American foster care system. Against all odds, Martha has maintained a resilient peace. In this touc
 Politics Strangely Warmed
 Politics Strangely Warmed

 Автор: Gregory R. Coates

  For centuries, Christians have wrestled with how to witness faithfully to the peaceable kingdom of God, while also living as citizens within an earthly nation-state. Differing theological traditions have offered wide-ranging contributions to the field of political theology, yet the Wesleyan tradition has too often remained largely silent. In this volume, Coates turns to two key figures within his own Wesleyan tradition–John Wesley and B. T. Robe
 Edward Irving Reconsidered
 Edward Irving Reconsidered

 Автор: David Malcolm Bennett

  Samuel Taylor Coleridge called Edward Irving «a minister of Christ, after the order of Paul.» Edward Irving was a great preacher, probably the best in Georgian Britain. He was also a profound theologian and a caring pastor. Yet, it is a strange fact of history that this Paul-like «minister of Christ» was eventually removed from the church he had made famous, unfairly expelled from his denomination for heresy, and at the end of his brief life, wa
 Secularization and the Working Class
 Secularization and the Working Class

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Secularization and the Working Class brings together contributions from thirteen Central European historians who have taken a long-term interest in the issue of the secularization of modern society and social issues affecting the working class. By using contemporary historical methods they have researched the theoretical aspects of secularization theories as well as individual cases which illustrate Czech developments within the framework of the
 Franciszek Ludwik, ksiaze de Conti – „obrany krol Polski”. Saga rodu Kondeuszow
 Franciszek Ludwik, ksiaze de Conti – „obrany krol Polski”. Saga rodu Kondeuszow

 Автор: Aleksandra Skrzypietz

 Jak przetrwac w przestepczym Krakowie
 Jak przetrwac w przestepczym Krakowie

 Автор: Karol Ossowski

Показано 1936 - 1944 (всего 2373 позиций)
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