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 История древнего мира
 The Complete Histories of Polybius
 The Complete Histories of Polybius

 Автор: Polybius

  Written in the 2nd century by the Greek historian Polybius, «The Histories» is a multi-volume work detailing many of the events, people, and ideas of the Hellenistic Period. While his focus is the space of time in which ancient Rome became a world power from 220 to 167 BC, Polybius also discusses his role as a 'pragmatic historian', a discourse on fate (called tyche), and the superiority of the mixed constitution. Though all forty volu
 The History of the Peloponnesian War
 The History of the Peloponnesian War

 Автор: Thucydides

  Commonly acknowledged as one of the earliest written accounts of history, this classic work of Thucydides chronicles the war between Athens and Sparta during the fifth century B.C. While dispassionately and accurately reporting the events of this ancient Greek war in a strict chronology, Thucydides includes the causes of the conflict, descriptions of battlefield strategy, political opinions, and all other aspects of the war in brilliant detail w
 The Secret History
 The Secret History

 Автор: Procopius

  Procopius, from Palaestina Prima, or modern day Israel, is an important first hand source for the history of the 6th century, especially concerning the Emperor Justinian. Procopius was an incredibly learned man, having received a classical education, possibly from the famed School of Gaza. He would become a legal adviser for Belisarius, Justinian's chief military commander and accompany him to the war front, an experience he would document

 The Histories
 The Histories

 Автор: Polybius

  Written in the 2nd century by the Greek historian Polybius, “The Histories” is a multi-volume work detailing many of the events, people, and ideas of the Hellenistic Period. While his focus is the space of time in which ancient Rome became a world power from 220 to 167 BC, Polybius also discusses his role as a ‘pragmatic historian’, a discourse on fate (called tyche), and the superiority of the mixed constitution. Though all forty volumes have n
 The History of the Peloponnesian War (Translated by Richard Crawley)
 The History of the Peloponnesian War (Translated by Richard Crawley)

 Автор: Thucydides

  Commonly acknowledged as one of the earliest first-hand written accounts of history, this classic work chronicles the war between Athens and Sparta during the fifth century B.C. Its author, Thucydides, dispassionately and accurately describes the events of this ancient Greek war in a strict chronology which includes the causes of the conflict, descriptions of battlefield strategy, political opinions, and all other aspects of the war in the brill
 The Histories (Translated by George Rawlinson with an Introduction by George Swayne and a Preface by H. L. Havell)
 The Histories (Translated by George Rawlinson with an Introduction by George Swayne and a Preface by H. L. Havell)

 Автор: Herodotus

  Widely referred to as the “Father of History”, Greek Historian Herodotus lived during the 5th century BC and “The Histories” is generally accepted as the first work of historical literature in Western Civilization. Departing from the ancient Homeric tradition of treating historical subjects as epically romantic figures, Herodotus instead approached his subjects with a systematic method of investigation. “The Histories” of Herodotus describe the
 Historia sportu
 Historia sportu

 Автор: Wojciech Liponski

 Terrorysci znad Tybru
 Terrorysci znad Tybru

 Автор: Stanislaw Stabryla

 Daja swiadectwo prawdy
 Daja swiadectwo prawdy

 Автор: Группа авторов
Показано 1891 - 1899 (всего 2373 позиций)
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