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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 История древнего мира
 Experiencing Power, Generating Authority
 Experiencing Power, Generating Authority

 Автор: Группа авторов

  For almost three thousand years, Egypt and Mesopotamia were each ruled by the single sacred office of kingship. Though geographically near, these ancient civilizations were culturally distinct, and scholars have historically contrasted their respective conceptualizations of the ultimate authority, imagining Egyptian kings as invested with cosmic power and Mesopotamian kings as primarily political leaders. In fact, both kingdoms depended on relig
 The Archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas
 The Archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas

 Автор: Группа авторов
 The New Chronology of Iron Age Gordion
 The New Chronology of Iron Age Gordion

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The New Chronology of Iron Age Gordion argues that the history and archaeology of the site of Gordion, in central Turkey, have been misunderstood since the beginning of its excavation in the 1950s. The first excavation director, Rodney Young, found evidence for substantial destruction during the first decade of fieldwork; this was interpreted as proof that Gordion had been destroyed ca. 700 B.C. by the Kimmerians, a group of invaders from the

 A Common Justice
 A Common Justice

 Автор: Uriel I. Simonsohn

  In A Common Justice Uriel I. Simonsohn examines the legislative response of Christian and Jewish religious elites to the problem posed by the appeal of their coreligionists to judicial authorities outside their communities. Focusing on the late seventh to early eleventh centuries in the region between Iraq in the east and present-day Tunisia in the west, Simonsohn explores the multiplicity of judicial systems that coexisted under early Islam t
 The Sea Peoples and Their World
 The Sea Peoples and Their World

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This volume presents the results of the 1995 international seminar on the history and archaeology of the Sea Peoples. The 17 comprehensive articles, written by leading scholars in the fields of Egyptology, Hittitology, biblical studies, and Aegean, Anatolian, and Near Eastern archaeology, examine current methodologies and interpretations concerning the origin, migration, and settlement of the Sea Peoples against the overwhelming new archaeologic
 The Graven Image
 The Graven Image

 Автор: Zainab Bahrani
 A Kingdom of Priests
 A Kingdom of Priests

 Автор: Martha Himmelfarb

  According to the account in the Book of Exodus, God addresses the children of Israel as they stand before Mt. Sinai with the words, «You shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation» (19:6). The sentence, Martha Himmelfarb observes, is paradoxical, for priests are by definition a minority, yet the meaning in context is clear: the entire people is holy. The words also point to some significant tensions in the biblical understanding of th
 Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom
 Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom

 Автор: Adam H. Becker

  The School of Nisibis was the main intellectual center of the Church of the East in the sixth and early seventh centuries C.E. and an institution of learning unprecedented in antiquity. Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom provides a history both of the School and of the scholastic culture of the Church of the East more generally in the late antique and early Islamic periods. Adam H. Becker examines the ideological and intellectual backgrou
 The Sex Lives of Saints
 The Sex Lives of Saints

 Автор: Virginia Burrus

  Has a repressive morality been the primary contribution of Christianity to the history of sexuality? The ascetic concerns that pervade ancient Christian texts would seem to support such a common assumption. Focusing on hagiographical literature, Virginia Burrus pursues a fresh path of interpretation, arguing that the early accounts of the lives of saints are not antierotic but rather convey a sublimely transgressive «countereroticism» that resis
Показано 1846 - 1854 (всего 2373 позиций)
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