Die Besatzung ist nicht an Bord, als sich in der Nacht zum 15. Februar 1860 funfzehn Zoglinge des Internats Chairman zu einer Ferienkreuzfahrt an Bord des Schoners Sloughi begeben. Ein Ungluck geschieht: Das Haltetau rei?t, der Schoner treibt ab, gerat in einen wutenden Sturm und strandet nach tagelanger Irrfahrt vor einer unbekannten Insel. An baldige Rettung ist nicht zu denken, und die Jungen, allen voran Doniphan, Gordon und Briant und der S ...
Der britische Gentleman Phileas Fogg wettet in einem Londoner Club der Upper Class, dass er problemlos in der Lage sei, die Welt in nur 80 Tagen zu umreisen. Mit Hilfe eines Ballons und einem Einsatz von 20.000 Pfund will er seine These beweisen. Zusammen mit seinem getreuen Diener Passepartout macht er sich auf die Reise. ...
High on a remote butte, a young Sioux waits. Though daring in battle, skillful, and strong, he cannot be a man until his spiritual vision comes. When it appears, he must interpret it correctly to know who he is, and he must deserve it or continue to be called No Name. No Name has his vision, a glowing white mare who walks among the stars. She tells No Name his destiny and how to achieve it. He must pass through hostile camps, storm, and fire, ri ...
Riders of Judgment centers on the three Hammett brothers and their cousin Rosemary, whom all three love. To the oldest brother, Cain, falls the lot of avenging the murder of his father, grandfather, and brother. Cain – who is, in a sense, a cowboy Hamlet – is torn by conflicts within himself. He desires peace yet is forced to wear a gun. He is a law-abiding man by instinct yet has to take the law into his own hands. He is loved by a woman but re ...
A once elite, beautiful young woman has turned to a life of Tarot card reading for English nobility in order to maintain a life of squalor for her and her family. But even Jessamine Maitland could not foresee Alistair MacAlpin's irresistible charm. A privileged aristocrat turned infamous cat burglar, he's going to take Jessamine on the adventure of a lifetime. Little does she know, the arrogant thief has absolutely no intention of ever ...