This historical document of the travel conditions of the 18th century colonial Connecticut is of immense value as well as cultural heritage. Sarah Kemble Knight, who was a teacher and a woman of business, kept a diary throughout her travels, which recounts her numerous misfortunes. ...
African Christianity is not an imported religion but rather one of the oldest forms of Christianity in the world. In The Kingdom of God in Africa, Mark Shaw and Wanjiru M. Gitau trace the development and spread of African Christianity through its two-thousand year history, demonstrating how the African church has faithfully testified to the power and diversity of God’s kingdom. Both history students and casual readers will gain greater understan ...
Between 1939 and 1945, more than seventy Allied men and women were convicted-mostly in secret trials-of working to help Nazi Germany win the war. In the same period, hundreds of British Fascists were also interned without trial on specific and detailed evidence that they were spying for, or working on behalf of, Germany. Collectively, these men and women were part of a little-known Fifth Column: traitors who committed crimes including espionage, ...
Published in 1886, the original copy of this antiquarian gem is coveted by collectors everywhere. The author is almost more fascinating than the accounts of his adventures traveling through the Kalahari. Born in Ontario as William Leonard Hunt, he went on to lead the famous circus troupe “The Flying Farinis”, the inventor behind folding theater seats and the modern parachute, and the creator of the first human cannonball act. The ...
Исторический и приключенческий роман известного российского писателя-мариниста Владимира Шигина «Корфу» посвящен интереснейшим и увлекательным событиям конца XVIII века на Средиземном море и вокруг него. Это был, пожалуй, единственный раз в истории человечества, когда одновременно в морских и сухопутных сражениях, в союзах и интригах встретились одновременно четыре военных гения человечества полководцы фельдмаршал Суворов и генерал Бонапарт, адм ...
Книга посвящена русско-шведской войне 1788–1790 гг., в ходе которой были одержаны грандиозные морские победы при Гогланде, Роченсальме, Эланде, Ревеле, Красной Горке и Выборге, а Россия окончательно завоевала господство на Балтике. Среди героев книги: императрица Екатерина Вторая, адмиралы Грейг, Чичагов, Козлянинов, Круз, забытые герои той войны капитаны 1 ранга Муловский, Кроун и Повалишин.
The aim of this book is to explain economic dualism in the history of modern Europe. The emergence of the manorial-serf economy in the Bohemia, Poland, and Hungary in the 16th and the 17th centuries was the result of a cumulative impact of various circumstantial factors. The weakness of cities in Central Europe disturbed the social balance – so characteristic for Western-European societies – between burghers and the nobility. The political domin ...