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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Историческая литература
 Последняя смена апреля
 Последняя смена апреля

 Автор: Татьяна Буйницкая

  26.04.1986 года в 1:23 ночи на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции случается крупнейшая техногенная катастрофа в мире. Молодые ребята, работавшие в ту ночь на 4-ом энергоблоке, первыми принимают удар аварии на себя. Десятки смертей, сотни сломленных судеб и тысячи не затянутых ран, которые не вылечит никакое время. Правдивая история ребят, вышедших на свою последнюю смену. Они не хотели быть героями, они просто хотели жить.
 Бестии Великого княжества Литовского
 Бестии Великого княжества Литовского

 Автор: Мистер Чудеса

  Книга расскажет про путешествия людей, которые уничтожают бестий Великого княжества Литовского и находят новых товарищей и друзей.
 Sir Judas
 Sir Judas

 Автор: Rafael Sabatini

  "In «„Sir Judas,“» Sabatini attempts to draw a group of more or less famous events using the fiction form, but without amplifying it by imagination. Each incident is an actual historic happening; the dialogue is such as was chronicled at the time, added to by the paraphrases of contemporary chroniclers; the settings are authentic. A hard task, this, the author has set himself, but his labor was lightened by being able to choose the most viv

 Cutthroat Canyon
 Cutthroat Canyon

 Автор: William W. Johnstone

  William Johnstone's towering Mountain Man and The Last Gunfighter series are epics of the frontier. Now, with J.A. Johnstone, he has created Sidewinders, a wild, rollicking ride alongside two hardheaded cowboys with a knack for staying on the wrong side of the law–but for all the right reasons. . . Here's Your Gold. Now Fight For It. . . Sometimes, it's bad to be good. That's what happens when Scratch Morton and Bo Cree
 Massacre at Whiskey Flats
 Massacre at Whiskey Flats

 Автор: William W. Johnstone

  From William W. Johnstone, bestselling author of Blood Bond, Mountain Man, and The Last Gunfighter, and J.A. Johnstone, comes Sidewinders, a double-barreled dose of action, featuring two of the unlikeliest western heroes to ever cross the American frontier. Sidewinders Don't Look For Trouble–It Usually Finds Them In the west, there's always work for the kind of men willing to get their hands dirty–from rounding stray cattle to
 The Romance of the Romanoffs
 The Romance of the Romanoffs

 Автор: Joseph McCabe

  “The Romance of the Romanovs” is a detailed treatise on the Romanov Dynasty of Russia and their eventual downfall, written by Joseph McCabe. Within it, McCabe explores this notably autocratic episode of history, looking at its origin, brutality, corruption, and its terrible final struggle and defeat. The House of Romanov was the second ruling Russian dynasty after the House of Rurik, reigning from 1613 until the Russian Revolution in 1917. The R
 A University of Tradition
 A University of Tradition

 Автор: Purdue Reamer Club

  A University of Tradition is a fascinating compilation of history, customs, pictures, and facts about Purdue University from its founding in 1869 to the present day. Covering all aspects of Purdue, from the origin of the nickname of its students and alumni-Boilermakers-to a chronological list of all buildings ever constructed on the campus of West Lafayette, Indiana, this book presents the ultimate insider's guide to one of the world's
 Saving Lives in Auschwitz
 Saving Lives in Auschwitz

 Автор: Ewa K. Bacon

  In a 1941 Nazi roundup of educated Poles, Stefan Budziaszek-newly graduated from medical school in Krakow-was incarcerated in the Krakow Montelupich Prison and transferred to the Auschwitz concentration camp in February 1942. German big businesses brutally exploited the cheap labor of prisoners in the camp, and workers were dying. In 1943, Stefan, now a functionary prisoner, was put in charge of the on-site prisoner hospital, which at the time w
 Император и Сталин
 Император и Сталин

 Автор: Сергей Александрович Васильев
 Год: 2020

  А если бы на месте Николая II оказался Сталин? На дворе 1900 год – перелом. Уже случилась Ходынская трагедия, но еще не было Кровавого воскресенья, хотя все условия для него уже заложены в фундамент империи.
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