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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Историческая литература
 Murder in Dealey Plaza
 Murder in Dealey Plaza

 Автор: James H. Fetzer

  We now know vastly more about the killing of John F. Kennedy than was known 20 or 30 years ago, and new evidence is accumulating almost every day. This new evidence is being uncovered by the bold application of scientific and technological expertise to the assassination records, including the film, photographic, and autopsy records.Murder in Dealey Plaza presents the latest and best of the new assassination research. As a result of these freshly
 Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men
 Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men

 Автор: Jeffrey Hummel

  This book combines a sweeping narrative of the Civil War with a bold new look at the war’s significance for American society. Professor Hummel sees the Civil War as America’s turning point: simultaneously the culmination and repudiation of the American revolution. While the chapters tell the story of the Civil War and discuss the issues raised in readable prose, each chapter is followed by a detailed bibliographical essay, lo
 Hitler's Pawn
 Hitler's Pawn

 Автор: Stephen Koch

  Herschel’s story is not really about another victim among six million victims. It’s about a naive but intense kid suddenly trapped in the spotlight of world politics, and moreover world politics on the edge. It is about fame and obscurity. About the fall of France, and the first phase of World War II. It has a murder, political intrigue, a chase through France, a kidnapping by the Gestapo, and a very young man who from his Gestapo prison, enters

 The Last Sheriff in Texas
 The Last Sheriff in Texas

 Автор: James P. McCollom

  An Amazon Best History Book of the Month "[A] narrative with resonance well beyond seekers of Texas history. The Last Sheriff in Texas would be an amazing allegory for our times, were it fiction. Instead it suggests cultural trenches that we view as new that were dug decades ago." — Houston Chronicle Beeville, Texas, was the most American of small towns—the place that GIs had fantasized about while fighting through the ruins of Europe, a p
 The United States of Appalachia
 The United States of Appalachia

 Автор: Jeff Biggers
 The River Sea
 The River Sea

 Автор: Marshall De Bruhl

  Since its discovery by Europeans in 1500, explorers, visionaries, soldiers of fortune, men of God, scientists, and slavers have been drawn to the legendary Amazon. The River Sea is a sweeping chronicle of those brave and hardy souls, ranging from the Spanish seafarer Vicente Pinzón, who discovered the river, to contemporary heroes and heroines, like Sister Dorothy Stang and Chico Mendes, whose efforts to save the rain forest cost them t
 Trotsky in New York, 1917
 Trotsky in New York, 1917

 Автор: Kenneth D. Ackerman

  Lev Davidovich Trotsky burst onto the world stage in November 1917 as co-leader of a Marxist Revolution seizing power in Russia. It made him one of the most recognized personalities of the Twentieth Century, a global icon of radical change. Yet just months earlier, this same Lev Trotsky was a nobody, a refugee expelled from Europe, writing obscure pamphlets and speeches, barely noticed outside a small circle of fellow travelers. Where had he com
 Aaronsohn's Maps
 Aaronsohn's Maps

 Автор: Patricia Goldstone

  Aaron Aaronsohn was one of the most extraordinary figures in the early struggle to create a homeland for the Jewish people. Brought to Palestine at age five, as a young man Aaronsohn was a rugged adventurer who became convinced during years of solo explorations that water should govern the region's fate. He compiled both the area’s first detailed water maps and a plan for Palestine’s national borders that predicted and&a
 Watergate: The Hidden History
 Watergate: The Hidden History

 Автор: Lamar Waldron

  While Richard Nixon's culpability for Watergate has long been established—most recently by PBS in 2003—what's truly remarkable that after almost forty years, conventional accounts of the scandal still don't address Nixon’s motive. Why was President Nixon willing to risk his reelection with so many repeated burglaries at the Watergate—and other Washington offices—in just a few weeks? Wh
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