Эта записка писалась на основе жизненного опыта писателя, где смешное и грустное идет рядом и нет разделительной черты. Все рассказы описывают события недавнего и давно ушедшего времени, обнажая печаль и радость человеческого существования…Рассказ был ранее опубликован в сборнике «На далёком перегоне».
CLICK HERE to download a sample from Everest 1953 In the only book to tell the real story of Everest 1953, Mick Conefrey reveals that what has gone down in history as a supremely well-planned attempt was in fact beset by crises – both on and off the mountain. To succeed, team leader Colonel John Hunt and his team had to draw on unimaginable skill and determination, as well as sheer British ingenuity. Everest 1953 is not only a gripping true s ...
CLICK HERE to download the first chapter of The Challenge of Rainier, 40th Anniversary Edition * Special 40th anniversary edition* Featuring 125 photos, 90 illustrations, and 15 maps* Original cover art by Dee Molenaar Originally published in 1971, The Challenge of Rainier is a classic in mountaineering reference and literature, long considered the definitive work on the climbing history of Mount Rainier. Author Dee ...
Dubya. The 9/11 terrorist attacks. Enron and WorldCom. The Iraq War. Hurricane Katrina. The disruptive nature of the internet. An anxious aging population redefining retirement. The gay community demanding full civil rights. A society becoming ever more «brown.» The housing bubble and the Great Recession. The historic election of Barack Obama – and the angry Tea Party reaction. The United States experienced a turbulent first decade of the 21st ...
As Evelynne Lowry, the daughter of a copper baron, comes of age in early 20th century Montana, the lives of horses dovetail with the lives of people and her own quest for womanhood becomes inextricably intertwined with the future of two men who face nearly insurmountable losses—a lonely steer wrestler named Zion from the Montana highline, and a Cheyenne team roper named William Black Kettle, the descendant of peace chiefs.An epic that r ...
On the windswept plains of northwestern China, Mongol bandits swoop down upon an American missionary couple and steal their small child. The Reverend sets out in search of the boy and becomes lost in the rugged, corrupt countryside populated by opium dens, sly nomadic warlords and traveling circuses. This upright Midwestern minister develops a following among the Chinese peasants and is christened Ghost Man for what they perceive are his otherwo ...
Freeman Walker is a story told by a mulatto slave, Jimmy Gates, freed by his owner-father when he is 7-years-old, separated from his mother and everything he holds dear. After receiving an unforgettable talk by his father about the rules of life he will no doubt discover on his journeys, and a copy of the Declaration of Independence, he is sent to England to get an education. Jimmy, in the first of the novel’s great ironies, has had a ...
The after-death stories of Franz Joseph Haydn, Ludwig Beethoven, Swedenborg, Sir Thomas Browne and many others have never before been told in such detail and vividness.Fully illustrated with some surprising images, this is a fascinating and authoritative history of ideas carried along on the guilty pleasures of an anthology of real-after-life gothic tales.Beginning dramatically with the opening of Haydn’s grave in October 1820, craniok ...
Ord Elliott was a Marine Rifle Platoon Commander in Vietnam in 1967. Although the Vietnam War has been over for many years, a sense of something lost lingers within Ord. He digs deep to confront the emotions that underlie his experience of combat, and after each battle deals with his emerging understanding of war and of the warriors that marched with him – back then and today ...