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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Историческая литература

 Автор: Dr. Rick Chromey

  Every twenty years a new generation rises, but who and what defines these generations? And could current generational tags mislead and miss the point? In this insightful analysis of technology history since 1900, Dr. Rick Chromey offers a fresh perspective for understanding what makes a generation tick and differ from others. Within <i>GenTech</i>, readers learn how every generation uniquely interacts with particular technologies th
 Hornblower and the Hotspur
 Hornblower and the Hotspur

 Автор: C S. Forester

  Hornblower and the Hotspur (1962) is the third book in the series chronologically, but the tenth by order of publication, and serves as the basis for one of the episodes of the Hornblower series of television films. <P> With the Peace of Amiens under strain and war with France under Napoleon Bonaparte imminent in May 1803, Hornblower is promoted from Lieutenant to Commander and appointed to command the sloop HMS Hotspur. While readying f
 Mr. Midshipman Hornblower
 Mr. Midshipman Hornblower

 Автор: C S. Forester

  Horatio Hornblower commences his career in the Royal Navy as an inexperienced midshipman in January 1794. Through a series of challenges and adventures both in and out of combat, Hornblower discovers he is actually talented in both seamanship and leadership. People initially thought Hornblower a dullard but later grew to respect him.

 Buccaneeer's Blade
 Buccaneeer's Blade

 Автор: Donald Barr Chidsey
 Tarzan and the Golden Lion
 Tarzan and the Golden Lion

 Автор: Edgar Rice Burroughs

  Flora Hawkes, a previous housemaid of the Claytons', overheard the story of Tarzan's discovery of the treasure chamber in the lost city of Opar (from The Return of Tarzan and Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar). Managing to copy his map to the city, she concocts a plan to lead an expedition to collect the gold. To discourage any local denizens from questioning them, she has found a Tarzan look-alike to accompany them… <P>Originally pu
 The Wicked, Wicked Women
 The Wicked, Wicked Women

 Автор: Gardner Fox

  Men like Mike Gannon and Black John Bennett made their living off the Erie Canal, forever battling one another for control of canal shipping. <P> Women like Moira Kennally—the wanton widow turned Madam—and the Egyptian, owner of the notorious parlor The Golden Tassel—made their living off men like Mike and Black John, offering their passionate embraces in return for the hard-earned dollars the canalers wrested from «The Big Ditch.» &l
 Apache Ambush
 Apache Ambush

 Автор: Will Cook

  Apaches on the warpath! Raping and pillaging, torturing and killing! Ever since he had been their prisoner, Lt. Tim O'Hagen had been driven by his hatred for these savages. And now they had taken his woman! O'Hagen swore to get them – even if it meant battling them all the way to hell and back again.
 The Hour of the Fox: The Gardens of the West, Part 2
 The Hour of the Fox: The Gardens of the West, Part 2

 Автор: Francis Jarman

  THE HOUR OF THE FOX HAS COME! <P> Mara has escaped death, and is on the run with the slave-boy Phrygillus. Thomasius and Manasa are hunting a killer (or is he hunting them?) <P> Young Aulus is sent on a surprising mission. <P> Decimus is given his most dangerous assignment yet: to penetrate the intrigue and corruption at the heart of the Imperial court. <P> And Florianus the court eunuch, surrounded by enemies, is
 Barbary Slave
 Barbary Slave

 Автор: Gardner Fox

  Captured by Tripoli's Barbary pirates, Stephen Fletcher was first enslaved, then assigned to guard the Pasha's harem. Surrounded by sultry, sloe-eyed beauties whom he dared not touch under pain of torture, Fletcher lived only to escape – until he met lovely Eve Doremus. An American like himself, Eve had been bought by Marlani, the Pasha’s favorite, to bedevil Fletcher for rejecting her advances. Together, Fletcher and Eve fought their
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