Queen. High priestess. Harlot. Huntress of men. She knew ways of love that no man could resist or forget. Kings and warriors were her slaves. Armies and empires threw their swords and their treasures at her feet. But it was never enough. No one man could satisfy her insatiable longings… ...
Jean, the bastard cousin of the future king of France, fought his way across the battlefields of 15th Century Europe. His was the world that burned Joan of Arc at the stake, where morals were forgotten and rape one of the spoils of victory. Handsome, fearless Jean le Batard held a lovely, scornful temptress in his heart and a bloody sword in his hand to wreak vengeance on the murderers of his father and the hated English conquerors. ...
This is the ballad of Matt Evans, who rode in from Texas with smoking six-guns and a brother he wanted to forget. And of Bide Evans, who swore to bring law and order to a town that knew only trigger-rule and vigilante vengeance. And the high noon of that day when «the gunsmoke brothers» faced each other in the dusty street of Hangman's Gulch.<P> AN EXPLOSIVE STORY BY THE DEAN OF AMERICA’S WESTERN NOVELISTS ...
RENEGADES MUST DIE ! <P> "No peace. There is war among us. White man will die the Apache way. White man will see his fields and houses burn. Your squaws will be treated the Apache way." <P> An Indian chief betrayed by a white man who breaks a treaty – and a white settlement thirsting for vengeance – make a blazing story of frontier life in the bloody days of the Apaches. ...
Once she posed as a camp trollop to pry a colonel's secrets loose between kisses. At splendid balls she coquetted with redcoats – traitors unaware for the promise in her eyes.<P> Posing as a ragged boy she fled through swamps, desperately eluding the King's death regiment—minutes ahead of her executioners. She was Mistress Debby Treat, the reckless, golden-haired Virginia beauty who gambled all of herself in the cause of liberty ...
Shad Holly and Nat Towne are brought together when they are involved with a British patrol in the streets of Boston. Shad, an experienced frontier fighter, and Nat, a young actor, eventually are engaged in dangerous missions during the siege of Boston. Both are among the defenders of Breed's Hill, a name not so well known as nearby Bunker's Hill, thanks to the confusion of British army cartographers. ...
When George Rounsivel's pirate band captured the niece of the Governor of the Bahamas, that young American buccaneer was in a jam. For he already shared his cabin with a jealous pirate wench who would slip a dagger into him the instant he looked at another woman. <P> Yet he couldn't throw this blue-blooded captive to the lustful arms of the crew. For as a sea-wolf, Rounsivel was sailing under false colors – and a single word of ...
At a time when volcanoes were being born in what is now New Mexico, clans of hunter-gatherers were already living in the Great Plains. Primordial beasts roamed the land: creatures like the giant sloth, the flat-faced bear, the woolly mammoth, and the dire wolf hunted there, often coming into conflict with their two-legged prey.<P> When Do-na-ti reaches adulthood, he slays the badger for his ceremonial cloak. By wedding E-lo-ni, he unites ...
Wildside Press is pleased to present another great collection of 4 western novels. This time, included are:<P> "WHIP" RYDER'S WAY, by Grant Taylor<BR> LOGAN, by Evan Hall<BR> STIR UP THE DUST, by William Colt MacDonald<BR> THE DESERT TRAIL, by Dane Coolidge<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 280+ volumes in ...