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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Историческая литература
 Fort Dundas
 Fort Dundas

 Автор: Derek Pugh

  Fort Dundas was the first outpost of Europeans in Australia's north. It was a British fortification manned by soldiers, marines and convicts, and built by them on remote Melville Island in 1824. It lasted until February, 1829, when it was abandoned and left to the termites.<br /> <br />The fort's purpose was twofold. Firstly, it was a physical demonstration of Britain's claim to the New Holland continent as far as long

 Автор: Kerry Greenwood

  Cassandra is the second in the Delphic Women trilogy.<br /> <br />Doomed, magnificent Troy is burning…<br /> <br />Cassandra, the golden-haired princess cursed with the gift of prophecy, and Diomenes, the Achaean with the healing hands, become puppets of the gods.<br /> <br />Their passions are thwarted, their loves betrayed, their gifts rendered useless for the sake of a wager between two immortals.<br /&g
 Garvey and Garveyism
 Garvey and Garveyism

 Автор: Amy Jacques Garvey

  Amy Jacques Garvey worked closely with her husband, Marcus Garvey, throughout his crusade. Here she gives an insider detailed account of Garvey, Garveyism, and this nascent period of Black Nationalism. Like all great dreamers and planners, Marcus Garvey dreamed and planned ahead of his time and his peoples' ability to understand the significance of his life's work. A set of circumstances, mostly created by the world colonial powers, cr

 Pipe Dreams
 Pipe Dreams

 Автор: Erin Banco

  "A fascinating and revealing dive into the murky world of oil contracts that shape power and politics in Iraq." – Loveday Morris, The Washington Post Jerusalem bureau chief Iraq sits on top of more than 140 billion barrels of oil, making it the owner of the world's fifth largest reserves. When the United States invaded in 2003, the Bush Administration promised that oil revenue would be used to rebuild and democratize the country. Bu
 Holy Lands
 Holy Lands

 Автор: Nicolas Pelham

  When the Ottoman Empire fell apart, colonial powers drew straight lines on the map to create a new region &#151; the Middle East &#151; made up of new countries filled with multiple religious sects and ethnicities. Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, for example, all contained a kaleidoscope of Sunnis, Kurds, Shias, Circassians, Druze and Armenians. Israel was the first to establish a state in which one sect and ethnicity dominated others. Sixty ye
 Inside Noah's Ark
 Inside Noah's Ark

 Автор: Laura Welch
 History of Religious Liberty, The
 History of Religious Liberty, The

 Автор: Michael Farris

  Early American advocates of freedom did not believe in religious liberty in spite of their Christianity, but explicitly because of their individual faith in Christ, which had been molded and instructed by the Bible. The greatest evidence of their commitment to liberty can be found in their willingness to support the cause of freedom for those different from themselves. The assertion that the Enlightenment is responsible for the American Bill of
 For You They Signed
 For You They Signed

 Автор: Marilyn Boyer

  In 1776, 56 men signed their names on a document that they knew might well mean their certain deaths as traitors to England. Standing on principles of faith and liberty, these men forged a powerful call for freedom and human dignity still resonating today in America. Yet, historical revisionists have distorted or attempted to wipe away every trace of this nation's Christian heritage, including the heartfelt faith of these founding fathers.
 Faith of Our Founding Fathers
 Faith of Our Founding Fathers

 Автор: Tim LaHaye

  Secular textbooks now fill our classrooms, while the Ten Commandments have been removed from their walls. Is this the vision held by those who worked to found this nation? What faith did our founding fathers truly believe and practice in their daily lives, and what does it really matter for us? Were they God-fearing, Bible-believing Christians or simply enlightened Deists, Transcendentalists, and Unitarians? Today the debate rages on, becoming
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