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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Mastering IDEAScript. The Definitive Guide
 Mastering IDEAScript. The Definitive Guide

 Автор: Mueller John Paul

  With approximately 44,000 users in the U.S. and Canada, as well as 42,000 in Europe, IDEA software has become a leading provider of data analysis software for use by auditors and accountants. Written to provide users with a quick access guide for optimal use of IDEAScript, Mastering IDEAScript: The Definitive Guide is IDEA's official guide to mastering IDEAScript, covering essential topics such as Introducing IDEAScript, Understanding the Basics
 Handbook of Corporate Performance Management
 Handbook of Corporate Performance Management

 Автор: Bourne Pippa

  A corporate performance management system can transform your business – but only if it is designed and implemented in the right way. this book will provide you with the tools and approaches to help translate your strategy into action and make you aware of the pitfalls to be avoided. The Handbook of Corporate Performance Management takes a practical approach, offering guidance on what works, tools to use, and how leadership makes an essential con
 Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls. A Casebook for Practising Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers
 Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls. A Casebook for Practising Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers

 Автор: Hindson Moira

  Avoiding Audit Pitfalls offers real case studies covering a comprehensive range of challenges and mistakes that any accountant can make during the course of their career. Focusing on everyday mistakes and failures common to auditors in all territories worldwide, the book will cover audit failures that have led to fraud going undetected as well as failure to accurately assess a firm's ability to continue. This book will appeal not only to general

 Financial Reporting under IFRS. A Topic Based Approach
 Financial Reporting under IFRS. A Topic Based Approach

 Автор: Missonier-Piera Franck

  The International Financial Reporting Standards are quite different from other sets of accounting standards, and are fundamentally different from US-GAAP, in that they are based on principles, and not on detailed rules. Financial Reporting under IFRS:A topic-based approach offers a global perspective on IFRS by presenting the prescribed rationale and principles and illustrating them through numerous examples from large international companies. I
 Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process
 Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process

 Автор: Adams Richards David

  Urban design enables better places to be created for people and is thus seen in Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process as a place-making activity, rather than the application of architectural aesthetics. Urban design policy can change the 'decision environment' of developers, financiers, designers and other actors in the real estate development process to make them take place-making more seriously. This book reports diverse internat
 Enterprise Risk Management and COSO. A Guide for Directors, Executives and Practitioners
 Enterprise Risk Management and COSO. A Guide for Directors, Executives and Practitioners

 Автор: Mair William C.

  Praise for Enterprise Risk Management and COSO: A Guide for Directors, Executives, and Practitioners «Enterprise Risk Management and COSO is a comprehensive reference book that presents core management of risk tools in a helpful and organized way. If you are an internal auditor who is interested in risk management, exploring this book is one of the best ways to gain an understanding of enterprise risk management issues.» —Naly de Carvalho, FSA T
 Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook
 Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook

 Автор: Goldmann Peter

  Proven guidance for fraud detection and prevention in a practical workbook format An excellent primer for developing and implementing an anti-fraud program, Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook engages readers in an absorbing self-paced learning experience to develop familiarity with the practical aspects of fraud detection and prevention. Whether you are an internal or external auditor, accountant, senior financial executive, accounts payable p
 Cost of Capital. Workbook and Technical Supplement
 Cost of Capital. Workbook and Technical Supplement

 Автор: Grabowski Roger J.

  Praise for Fourth Edition of Cost of Capital Workbook and Technical Supplement "Pratt and Grabowski went the extra mile to supplement their magnum opus by providing this Workbook and Technical Supplement. As a finance professor for many years, I know from experience that students and teachers really value supplements to textbooks. It allows the teacher to help the student to review and apply what was presented in the text, and the PowerPoints ar
 Transforming Private Landlords. housing, markets and public policy
 Transforming Private Landlords. housing, markets and public policy

 Автор: Crook Tony

  This book explores the origins, extent and implications of this revival in the fortunes of private landlordism. It presents an in-depth, scholarly analysis of private landlords, the rationales for and ways in which governments have sought to revitalise investment in residential lettings, and their success in doing so. It also assesses the extent to which landlordism has been transformed in recent years and the lessons for policy that can be lear
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