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   :Гуманитарные и общественные науки
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     :Историческая научная и учебная лите
     :Историческая научная и учебная литература
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     :Учебная и научная литература по психологии
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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Historical Memory in Africa
 Historical Memory in Africa

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A vast amount of literature—both scholarly and popular—now exists on the subject of historical memory, but there is remarkably little available that is written from an African perspective. This volume explores the inner dynamics of memory in all its variations, from its most destructive and divisive impact to its remarkable potential to heal and reconcile. It addresses issues on both the conceptual and the pragmatic level and its theoretical obs
 Divided, But Not Disconnected
 Divided, But Not Disconnected

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The Allied agreement after the Second World War did not only partition Germany, it divided the nation along the fault-lines of a new bipolar world order. This inner border made Germany a unique place to experience the Cold War, and the “German question” in this post-1945 variant remained inextricably entwined with the vicissitudes of the Cold War until its end. This volume explores how social and cultural practices in both German states between
 The Economic Diplomacy of <i>Ostpolitik</i>
 The Economic Diplomacy of Ostpolitik

 Автор: Werner D. Lippert

 Archives, Ancestors, Practices
 Archives, Ancestors, Practices

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Sibling Relations and the Transformations of European Kinship, 1300-1900
 Sibling Relations and the Transformations of European Kinship, 1300-1900

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Recently considerable interest has developed about the degree to which anthropological approaches to kinship can be used for the study of the long-term development of European history. From the late middle ages to the dawn of the twentieth century, kinship – rather than declining, as is often assumed – was twice reconfigured in dramatic ways and became increasingly significant as a force in historical change, with remarkable similarities across
 The 1926/27 Soviet Polar Census Expeditions
 The 1926/27 Soviet Polar Census Expeditions

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In 1926/27 the Soviet Central Statistical Administration initiated several yearlong expeditions to gather primary data on the whereabouts, economy and living conditions of all rural peoples living in the Arctic and sub-Arctic at the end of the Russian civil war. Due partly to the enthusiasm of local geographers and ethnographers, the Polar Census grew into a massive ethnological exercise, gathering not only basic demographic and economic data on
 The Kings and the Pawns
 The Kings and the Pawns

 Автор: Leonid Rein
 Alternative Exchanges
 Alternative Exchanges

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Una mujer sin maquillaje
 Una mujer sin maquillaje

 Автор: Gabriela Grinbaum

  Su curiosidad: el lazo de una mujer con otra. Su anhelo: ser la Otra de las mujeres. Su locura: creer en La mujer y suponer que esta se ocultaba tras las mascaras, los velos, los postizos. Su estrategia: ser una mujer sin maquillaje. Sabemos todo esto porque hablo de ello durante los tres anos en los que ejercio como Analista de la Escuela (AE) luego de haberse presentado al dispositivo del pase. Lacan, el que queria saber, la habria escuchado a
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