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   :Гуманитарные и общественные науки
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     :Историческая научная и учебная литература
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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Making Women’s Histories
 Making Women’s Histories

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Examines how women's histories are explored and explained around the world Making Women's Histories showcases the transformations that the intellectual and political production of women’s history has engendered across time and space. It considers the difference women’s and gender history has made to and within national fields of study, and to what extent the wider historiography has integrated this new knowledge. What are the accomp

 Автор: Andreas Bernard

  Before skyscrapers forever transformed the landscape of the modern metropolis, the conveyance that made them possible had to be created. Invented in New York in the 1850s, the elevator became an urban fact of life on both sides of the Atlantic by the early twentieth century. While it may at first glance seem a modest innovation, it had wide-ranging effects, from fundamentally restructuring building design to reinforcing social class hierarchies
 Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500-1850
 Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500-1850

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This wide-ranging volume advances our understanding of law and empire in the early modern world. Distinguished contributors expose new dimensions of legal pluralism in the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Ottoman empires. In-depth analyses probe such topics as the shifting legal privileges of corporations, the intertwining of religious and legal thought, and the effects of clashing legal authorities on sovereignty and subjecthood. Case

 Fueling the Gilded Age
 Fueling the Gilded Age

 Автор: Andrew B. Arnold

  If the railroads won the Gilded Age, the coal industry lost it. Railroads epitomized modern management, high technology, and vast economies of scale. By comparison, the coal industry was embarrassingly primitive. Miners and operators dug coal, bought it, and sold it in 1900 in the same ways that they had for generations. In the popular imagination, coal miners epitomized anti-modern forces as the so-called “Molly Maguire” ter
 Female Intelligence
 Female Intelligence

 Автор: Tammy M. Proctor

  When the Germans invaded her small Belgian village in 1914, Marthe Cnockaert’s home was burned and her family separated. After getting a job at a German hospital, and winning the Iron Cross for her service to the Reich, she was approached by a neighbor and invited to become an intelligence agent for the British. Not without trepidation, Cnockaert embarked on a career as a spy, providing information and engaging in sabotage before her c
 Dear Dr. Spock
 Dear Dr. Spock

 Автор: Группа авторов

  At the height of the Vietnam War, thousands of Americans wrote moving letters to Dr. Benjamin Spock, America’s pediatrician and a high-profile opponent of the war. Personal and heartfelt, thoughtful and volatile, these missives from Middle America provide an intriguing glimpse into the conflicts that took place over the dinner table as people wrestled with this divisive war and with their consciences.Providing one of the first clear vi
 Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571-1640
 Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571-1640

 Автор: Ronald Jennings

  Wrested from the rule of the Venetians, the island of Cyprus took on cultural shadings of enormous complexity as a new province of the Ottoman empire, involving the compulsory migration of hundreds of Muslim Turks to the island from the nearby Karamna province, the conversion of large numbers of native Greek Orthodox Christians to Islam, an abortive plan to settle Jews there, and the circumstances of islanders who had formerly been held by the v
 Building the Old Time Religion
 Building the Old Time Religion

 Автор: Priscilla Pope-Levison

  2015 Smith/Wynkoop Book Award presented by the Wesleyan Theological Society 2014 Choice Outstanding Academic Title During the Progessive Era, a period of unprecedented ingenuity, women evangelists built the old time religion with brick and mortar, uniforms and automobiles, fresh converts and devoted protégés. Across America, entrepreneurial women founded churches, denominations, religious training schools, rescue homes, r

 Автор: Shana L. Redmond
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