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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 A Great Conspiracy against Our Race
 A Great Conspiracy against Our Race

 Автор: Peter G. Vellon

  Racial history has always been the thorn in America’s side, with a swath of injustices—slavery, lynching, segregation, and many other ills—perpetrated against black people. This very history is complicated by, and also dependent on, what constitutes a white person in this country. Many of the European immigrant groups now considered white also had to struggle with their own racial identities. In A Great Conspiracy
 Who's Your Paddy?
 Who's Your Paddy?

 Автор: Jennifer Nugent Duffy

  After all the green beer has been poured and the ubiquitous shamrocks fade away, what does it mean to be Irish American besides St. Patrick’s Day? Who’s Your Paddy traces the evolution of “Irish” as a race-based identity in the U.S. from the 19th century to the present day. Exploring how the Irish have been and continue to be socialized around race, Jennifer Nugent Duffy argues that Irish identity must be
 Occupied by Memory
 Occupied by Memory

 Автор: John Collins

  Occupied by Memory explores the memories of the first Palestinian intifada. Based on extensive interviews with members of the «intifada generation,» those who were between 10 and 18 years old when the intifada began in 1987, the book provides a detailed look at the intifada memories of ordinary Palestinians. These personal stories are presented as part of a complex and politically charged discursive field through which young Palestinians are i

 Managing Inequality
 Managing Inequality

 Автор: Karen R. Miller

  In the wake of the Civil War, many white northern leaders supported race-neutral laws and anti-discrimination statutes. These positions helped amplify the distinctions they drew between their political economic system, which they saw as forward-thinking in its promotion of free market capitalism, and the now vanquished southern system, which had been built on slavery. But this interest in legal race neutrality should not be mistaken for an effor
 Lotions, Potions, Pills, and Magic
 Lotions, Potions, Pills, and Magic

 Автор: Elaine G. Breslaw

  Health in early America was generally good. The food was plentiful, the air and water were clean, and people tended to enjoy strong constitutions as a result of this environment. Practitioners of traditional forms of health care enjoyed high social status, and the cures they offered—from purging to mere palliatives—carried a powerful authority. Consequently, most American doctors felt little need to keep up with Europe&#8
 Fighting over the Founders
 Fighting over the Founders

 Автор: Andrew M. Schocket

  Explores how politicians, screenwriters, activists, biographers, jurists, museum professionals, and reenactors portray the American Revolution. The American Revolution is all around us. It is pictured as big as billboards and as small as postage stamps, evoked in political campaigns and car advertising campaigns, relived in museums and revised in computer games. As the nation’s founding moment, the American Revolution serves as a source of p
 Class Unknown
 Class Unknown

 Автор: Mark Pittenger

  Since the Gilded Age, social scientists, middle-class reformers, and writers have left the comforts of their offices to «pass» as steel workers, coal miners, assembly-line laborers, waitresses, hoboes, and other working and poor people in an attempt to gain a fuller and more authentic understanding of the lives of the working class and the poor. In this first, sweeping study of undercover investigations of work and poverty in America, award-winn
 Children and Youth During the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
 Children and Youth During the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In the decades after the Civil War, urbanization, industrialization, and immigration marked the start of the Gilded Age, a period of rapid economic growth but also social upheaval. Reformers responded to the social and economic chaos with a “search for order,” as famously described by historian Robert Wiebe. Most reformers agreed that one of the nation’s top priorities should be its children and youth, who, they bel
 Caribbean Crossing
 Caribbean Crossing

 Автор: Sara Fanning

  Shortly after winning its independence in 1804, Haiti’s leaders realizedthat if their nation was to survive, it needed to build strong diplomatic bondswith other nations. Haiti’s first leaders looked especially hard at the UnitedStates, which had a sizeable free black population that included vocalchampions of black emigration and colonization. In the 1820s, PresidentJean-Pierre Boyer helped facilitate a migration of thousand
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