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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Brooklyn's Promised Land
 Brooklyn's Promised Land

 Автор: Judith Wellman

  Tells the riveting narrative of the growth, disappearance, and eventual rediscovery of one of the largest free black communities of the nineteenth century In 1966 a group of students, Boy Scouts, and local citizens rediscovered all that remained of a then virtually unknown community called Weeksville: four frame houses on Hunterfly Road. The infrastructure and vibrant history of Weeksville, an African American community that had become one of t
 At Home in Nineteenth-Century America
 At Home in Nineteenth-Century America

 Автор: Amy G. Richter

  Few institutions were as central to nineteenth-century American culture as the home. Emerging in the 1820s as a sentimental space apart from the public world of commerce and politics, the Victorian home transcended its initial association with the private lives of the white, native-born bourgeoisie to cross lines of race, ethnicity, class, and region. Throughout the nineteenth century, home was celebrated as a moral force, domesticity moved free
 Vida y trayectoria de los habitantes, trabajadores y comerciantes de La Merced
 Vida y trayectoria de los habitantes, trabajadores y comerciantes de La Merced

 Автор: Berenice P. Ramirez Lopez

  En la actualidad, el poligono de La Merced se mantiene como uno de los centros de abasto mas importante para la Ciudad de Mexico. Con el paso del tiempo, su poblacion ha disminuido, mas no asi el numero de comerciante, trabajadores y consumidores que a diario transitan por sus calles. Este ensayo pretende mostrar un diagnostico integral de las condiciones de vida de los habitantes, trabajadores y comerciantes de La Merced. Fue construido a pa

 La Merced: Centralidad economica y cadena de suministro de alimentos
 La Merced: Centralidad economica y cadena de suministro de alimentos

 Автор: Jose Gasca Zamora

  El conjunto de mercados de La Merced ha desempenado un papel estrategico en la Ciudad de Mexico y su area metropolitana, en la medida en que ha sido el nodo principal de acopio y abasto de alimentos hortofruticolas. Ademas de su funcion social como centro de abasto para el nucleo de poblacion mas grande del pais, el volumen de transacciones economicas y flujos de mercancias lo convierten en una plataforma que contribuye a reforzar la centralidad
 American Constitutionalism Heard Round the World, 1776-1989
 American Constitutionalism Heard Round the World, 1776-1989

 Автор: George Athan Billias

  Winner of the 2010 Book Award from the New England Historical Association American constitutionalism represents this country’s greatest gift to human freedom, yet its story remains largely untold. For over two hundred years, its ideals, ideas, and institutions influenced different peoples in different lands at different times. American constitutionalism and the revolutionary republican documents on which it is based affected countless
 Aksum and Nubia
 Aksum and Nubia

 Автор: George Hatke

  Aksum and Nubia assembles and analyzes the textual and archaeologicalevidence of interaction between Nubia and the Ethiopiankingdom of Aksum, focusing primarily on the fourth centuryCE. Although ancient Nubia and Ethiopia have been the subjectof a growing number of studies in recent years, little attention hasbeen given to contact between these two regions. Hatke arguesthat ancient Northeast Africa cannot be treated as a unified areapolitically,
 A Distant Heritage
 A Distant Heritage

 Автор: Larry Eldridge

  Historians often rely on a handful of unusual cases to illustrate the absence of free speech in the colonies—such as that of Richard Barnes, who had his arms broken and a hole bored through his tongue for seditious words against the governor of Virginia. In this definitive and accessible work, Larry Eldridge convincingly debunks this view by revealing surprising evidence of free speech in early America.Using the court records of every
 A Brief and Tentative Analysis of Negro Leadership
 A Brief and Tentative Analysis of Negro Leadership

 Автор: Ralph J. Bunche

  A world-renowned scholar and statesman, Dr. Ralph J. Bunche (1903—1971) began his career as an educator and a political scientist, and later joined the United Nations, serving as Undersecretary General for seventeen of his twenty-five years with that body. This African American mediator was the first person of color anywhere in the world to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. In the mid-1930s, Bunche played a key role in organizing t
 Plague Ports
 Plague Ports

 Автор: Myron Echenberg

  Reveals the global effects of the bubonic plague, and what we can learn from this earlier pandemic A century ago, the third bubonic plague swept the globe, taking more than 15 million lives. Plague Ports tells the story of ten cities on five continents that were ravaged by the epidemic in its initial years: Hong Kong and Bombay, the Asian emporiums of the British Empire where the epidemic first surfaced; Sydney, Honolulu and San Francisco, th
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