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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual

The Transformation of the European Union

The Transformation of the European Union
Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781786348166
Качество: excellent
The EU has undergone a deep transformation in the last 25 years. The goals adopted by the EU at the international level in climate negotiations have led to the internal adoption of goals by the EU member states. The book examines the changes experienced by the European Union that have gone on in parallel to its leadership in climate negotiations since 1992 and analyses whether combating climate change has contributed to the transformation of European policies.The book takes an in-depth look at the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reduction goals adopted by European states, the leadership of the EU in climate negotiations, the creation of the Energy Union, the commitment to a model of sustainable development, the promotion of a circular economy and the enhancement of cities, as relevant actors in the reduction of emissions and boosting of sound environmental practices.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>List of Figures</li><li>List of Tables</li><li>List of Contributors</li><li>Introduction</li><li>Leadership in the European Union: Climate, Energy and Economy <i>(Xira Ruiz-Campillo)</i></li><li>The European Union and Its Role in Climate Change Negotiations at the UNFCCC: From a Loss to a Recovery of Leadership with Costs 2009&#x2013;2018 <i>(Mar&#x00ED;a del Pilar Bueno)</i></li><li>Evolution and Overview of the Current European Legal Commitment Heading for a Unique Model of Sustainable Development <i>(Mar&#x00ED;a Dolores S&#x00E1;nchez Galera)</i></li><li>Climate Change and Development Cooperation in the European Union <i>(Kattya Cascante Hern&#x00E1;ndez)</i></li><li>A European Action Plan for Circular Economy <i>(Elena Bulmer Santana)</i></li><li>The Energy Union: The EU at Work <i>(Mar&#x00ED;a Isabel Nieto)</i></li><li>Implementing Climate Security in the European Union <i>(Rosa Giles-Carnero)</i></li><li>The Role of European Cities in the Fight Against Climate Change: Networking for Local Climate Policy Convergence <i>(Ekaterina Domorenok)</i></li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> A wide range of readers: from those interested in the European Union to those interested in the environment, energy, security or sustainability policies in the EU; Researchers, graduate students, and general public interested in these subjects (environmental activists, economists interested in a new economy or the energy union, etc.).European Union;Climate Change;Sustainability;Environment00

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