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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs
 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

 Автор: John C. Lorenz

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Zane Grey visits what he considers to be “probably the most beautiful and wonderful natural phenomenon in the world,” and “also Monument Valley, and the mysterious and labyrinthine Canyon Segi with its great prehistoric cliff-dwellings.”
 Death Valley
 Death Valley

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Death Valley was one place that could never be popular with men. It had been set apart for the hardy diggers for earthen treasure, and for the wanderers of the wastelands—men who go forth to seek and to find and to face their souls. Perhaps most of them found death. But there was a death in life. Desert travelers learned the secret that men lived too much in the world—that in silence and loneliness and desolation there was something infinite, so

 Тектоническое строение, история развития и полезные ископаемые области сочленения Восточно-Европейской платформы и Скифской плиты (Ростовская область)
 Тектоническое строение, история развития и полезные ископаемые области сочленения Восточно-Европейской платформы и Скифской плиты (Ростовская область)

 Автор: А. Г. Грановский
 Год: 2020

  В монографии рассмотрены актуальные сведения по геологии, геодинамике и минерагении территории Ростовской области в свете современных тектонических представлений о строении земной коры. Выделены этапы тектонического развития рассматриваемой территории, включающие рифтогенез, растяжение, стабилизацию, активизацию рифта, сжатие, коллизию, орогенез, инверсию и переход к платформенному режиму развития. Показаны минерагенические особенности выделенн
 Cascadia's Fault
 Cascadia's Fault

 Автор: Jerry Thompson

  There is a crack in the earth’s crust that runs roughly 31 miles offshore, approximately 683 miles from Northern California up through Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia. The Cascadia Subduction Zone has generated massive earthquakes over and over again throughout geologic time—at least thirty-six major events in the last 10,000 years. This fault generates a monster earthquake about every 500 years. And the mon
 Gemstone Tumbling, Cutting, Drilling & Cabochon Making
 Gemstone Tumbling, Cutting, Drilling & Cabochon Making

 Автор: Jim Magnuson

  Beginner Instructions, Professional Results! Gemstones are naturally beautiful, but you can make them glisten and shine. This beginner’s guide covers all the techniques you need to know: tumbling, cutting, face polishing and more. By following the authors’ simple approach, you’ll create finished stones worthy of displaying, selling or making into jewelry. Book Features: pertains to a wide range of popular gemstones, from agates to turquoiseprev
 New Ocean Book, The
 New Ocean Book, The

 Автор: Frank Sherwin
 Building Blocks in Earth Science
 Building Blocks in Earth Science

 Автор: Dr. Gary Parker

  Develop critical thinking skills as you explore what to believe and why you believe it! To understand earth science, it requires “teamwork,” combining the methods and evidences of both science and history. And if you also use the “history book of the world,” the Bible, you can make sense of the Earth’s surface — altered, formed, and weathered over time, the landscapes and vistas we e
 The Geology Book
 The Geology Book

 Автор: Dr. John D. Morris

  Rocks firmly anchored to the ground and rocks floating through space fascinate us. Jewelry, houses, and roads are just some of the ways we use what has been made from geologic processes to advance civilization. Whether scrambling over a rocky beach, or gazing at spectacular meteor showers, we can't get enough of geology! The Geology Book will teach you: What really carved the Grand Canyon. How thick the Earth's crust is. The varied
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