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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Geology By Design
 Geology By Design

 Автор: Carl Froede Jr.

  Presents and authoritative and biblical geological time-line for high school students and adults. Includes substantial illustrations, a glossary, and an extensive reference section. Clearly explains how data from volcanic deposits, seismic activity in Earth history, and even the presence of ripple marks in rock layers support the Bible as history. From the acclaimed Creation Research Society, this technical study of rock strata, and the fossils
 Flood By Design
 Flood By Design

 Автор: Michael Oard

  There are features on the earth's surface that science cannot explain with theories of changes over millions or even billions of years by the geographic processes that we see occurring commonly today. However, when you explore the evidence from a biblical worldview, the geological features marking the planet's surface make sense given the worldview catastrophic flood described in the book of Genesis. Join author Mike Oard as he explor
 The Ocean Book
 The Ocean Book

 Автор: Frank Sherwin

  The oceans may well be Earth's final frontier. These dark and sometimes mysterious waters cover 71 percent of the surface area of the globe and have yet to be fully explored, Under the waves, a watery world of frail splendor, foreboding creatures, and sights beyond imagination awaits. The Ocean Book  will teach you about: Giant squid and other «monsters» of the seas Centuries of ocean exploration Hydrothermal vents The ingredien


 Автор: David Fisichella

  * This book will appeal to a diverse group of readers: sailors, people interested in how the oceans work and how they control the Earth’s climate, the vision-impaired community, those who like seagoing adventure stories, and anyone who wants to see a strong woman character. * A firsthand account of a pirate attack off the coast of Somalia *Americans’ experience of 9/11 from the helpless position of being at sea in a microcosm
 Oceanographical Engineering
 Oceanographical Engineering

 Автор: Robert L. Wiegel

  As is the case with many modern fields of study, oceanographical engineering cuts across the boundaries of several disciplines. Like other scientific endeavors, it aims to understand the nature of the ocean and to make use of this understanding for the benefit of humanity through better ports, safer and more economical operations at sea, and greater use of the oceans' natural resources–food, raw materials, and recreation.This graduate-level
 The Geology of Washington and Beyond
 The Geology of Washington and Beyond

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Everest Here Continents Collided
 Everest Here Continents Collided

 Автор: Alex W Milne

  Everest Here Continents Collided was written for the trekker, the armchair mountain enthusiast and the educationalist, who want to understand the spectacular continental collision that has shaped the roof of the world. It is a guide to the geology and scenery of the Khumbu, allowing the trekker to appreciate the nature of the rocks and glaciers they encounter on the classic trek to Everest.
 The Great Quake Debate
 The Great Quake Debate

 Автор: Susan Hough

  In the first half of the twentieth century, when seismology was still in in its infancy, renowned geologist Bailey Willis faced off with fellow high-profile scientist Robert T. Hill in a debate with life-or-death consequences for the millions of people migrating west. Their conflict centered on a consequential question: Is southern California earthquake country?These entwined biographies of Hill and Willis offer a lively, accessible account of t
 The Genesis Column
 The Genesis Column

 Автор: W. Joseph Stallings

  It is the assertion of Old-Earth Creationism that God created the Earth and then made it into an inhabitable environment over the course of a «week» of epoch-long creation «days.» It is the assertion of modern science that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old and has reached such an age by passing through a number of geologic periods that are differentiated by stratigraphic, paleontological, and other empirical markers. Therefore, it seems very lo
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