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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Alien Ocean
 Alien Ocean

 Автор: Stefan Helmreich
 Горное дело. Методические указания к проведению преддипломной практики
 Горное дело. Методические указания к проведению преддипломной практики

 Автор: Дмитрий Мещеряков
 Год: 2020

  Методические указания содержат рекомендации по порядку выполнения и оформления отчета по преддипломной практике. Приведены образец титульного листа отчета, а также список рекомендуемой литературы. Рекомендуется для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 21.05.04 «Горное дело», специализация «Технологическая безопасность и горноспасательное дело», дневной и заочной формы обучения.
 Магия нефрита
 Магия нефрита

 Автор: Василий Чешихин
 Год: 2019

  Мистический камень нефрит, его значение для всех народов мира, от индейцев майя и древнего Египта до нашего времени, магия и сила нефрита, какому знаку зодиака он подходит, как носить и как не купить подделку.

 A Wilder Time
 A Wilder Time

 Автор: William E. Glassley

  John Burroughs Medal for Distinguished Natural History Book WinnerNew Mexico-Arizona Book Award Winner Kirkus Reviews «Best Book of the Year» selection "A richly literary account. . . . Anchored by deep reflection and scientific knowledge, A Wilder Time is a portrait of an ancient, nearly untrammeled world that holds the secrets of our planet's deepest past, even as it accelerates into our rapidly changing future. The book bears
 Geology of British Columbia
 Geology of British Columbia

 Автор: Sydney Cannings

  This book tells the story of the province’s geology and the history of its living creatures. The first edition of Geology of British Columbia,, with its accessible but rigorous science, struck a chord with readers. Since it was first published, theories about plate tectonics and the geological history of British Columbia have evolved, and this new edition reflects the current thinking. This book also features updated content throughout
 A Pebble for Your Thoughts
 A Pebble for Your Thoughts

 Автор: Megan Murphy

  Now more than ever, people are longing for kindness and connection. During these uncertain times, daily news reports focus on disturbing events such as drug addiction, acts of terrorism, gun violence, airplane rage, senseless murders and political bickering. We are being bombarded daily with images that evoke a sense of fear and hostility. The Kindness Rocks Project provides a positive counteraction to all this negativity. The tagline for The Ki
 Geoarchaeology of Israel
 Geoarchaeology of Israel

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Improving data management and decision support systems in agriculture
 Improving data management and decision support systems in agriculture

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This collection reviews and summarises the wealth of research on key challenges in developing better data management and decision support systems (DSS) for farmers and examples of how those systems are being deployed to optimise efficiency in crop and livestock production.<br><br>Part 1 reviews general issues underpinning effective decision support systems (DSS) such as data access, standards, tagging and security. Part 2 contains ca
 The Kindness Rocks Journal
 The Kindness Rocks Journal

 Автор: Megan Murphy

  Now more than ever, people are longing for kindness and connection. During these uncertain times, daily news reports focus on disturbing events such as drug addiction, acts of terrorism, gun violence, airplane rage, senseless murders and political bickering. We are being bombarded daily with images that evoke a sense of fear and hostility. The Kindness Rocks Journal provides a positive counteraction to all this negativity. The tagline for The Ki
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