Summary, Analysis, and Review of Kathryn Miles' Quakeland PLEASE NOTE: This is a key takeaways and analysis of the book and NOT the original book. Start Publishing Notes' Summary, Analysis, and Review of Kathryn Miles' Quakeland: On the Road to America's Next Devastating Earthquake includes a summary of the book, a review, analysis & key takeaways, and a detailed About the Author section. PREVIEW: Kathryn Miles' Quak ...
Rocknocker: A Geologist’s Memoir reviews the life of George Devries Klein, an immigrant who made it through the American System as a geologist. It chronicles his life from early childhood, graduate school, working as an oil company researcher, university professor, science administrator, and as a geological consultant. The book includes the highs and lows of George’s life. Each chapter also summarizes key lessons learned making the book even mor ...
A new edition of a unique textbook that provides an exhaustive treatment of the world's different coasts—with focus on climate change sea-level rise Coastlines of the world are as diverse and complex as any geological setting on Earth, and understanding them is extremely important. Beaches and Coasts, Second Edition is an exciting and unique textbook that covers the world’s different coasts and details the highly varied processes that have shape ...
Rivers are the great shapers of terrestrial landscapes. Very few points on Earth above sea level do not lie within a drainage basin. Even points distant from the nearest channel are likely to be influenced by that channel. Tectonic uplift raises rock thousands of meters above sea level. Precipitation falling on the uplifted terrain concentrates into channels that carry sediment downward to the oceans and influence the steepness of adjacent hill ...
Enlightens readers on the realities of global atmospheric change, including global warming and poor air quality Climate change and air pollution are two of the most pressing issues facing Mankind. This book gives undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and professionals working in the science and policy of pollution, climate change and air quality a broad and up-to-date account of the processes that occur in the atmosphere, how these ar ...
В издании на основании новейших данных кратко изложены история изучения белорусских недр, стратиграфия и вещественный состав кристаллического фундамента и платформенного чехла, тектоника, история геологического развития, гидрогеология и минерагения территории Беларуси. Адресуется широкому кругу геологов и географов, студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и преподавателей геологических и географических специальностей. ...
В монографии приведены результаты новейших исследований региональной гидрогеологии и геохимии подземных вод Оршанской впадины. На основе геолого-тектонических данных выделены и охарактеризованы водоносные горизонты и комплексы четвертичных и дочетвертичных отложений, геохимия пресных, солоновато-соленых вод и рассолов. Разработаны вертикальная геохимическая зональность подземной гидросферы, а также новейшая концепция подземной латеральной гидрод ...
Цель пособия – ознакомление студентов с основами геометрической кристаллографии и кристаллохимии минералов и их влиянием на комплекс физических свойств этих важнейших природных объектов. В пособии в краткой и доступной форме изложена базовая информация о кристаллографических, кристаллохимических и кристаллофизических особенностях минералов – об их симметрии и морфологии, о структурных особенностях, об изоморфизме и полиморфизме, зависимости физ ...