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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Coastal Storms
 Coastal Storms

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A comprehensive introduction to coastal storms and their associated impacts Coastal Storms offers students and professionals in the field a comprehensive overview and groundbreaking text that is specifically devoted to the analysis of coastal storms. Based on the most recent knowledge and contributions from leading researchers, the text examines coastal storms’ processes and characteristics, the main hazards (such as overwash, inundation and flo
 Sand Production Management for Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs
 Sand Production Management for Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs

 Автор: Shouwei Zhou

  This book investigates sand production problems in the development of unconsolidated sand reservoirs and suggests novel technical solutions and improvements to sand management issues. This book is divided into six chapters: (1) geologic characteristics of unconsolidated sand heavy oil reservoirs and concept of sand management technology; (2) sand production mechanisms and its effect on reservoir petrophysical quality; (3) sand production quantit
 Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy
 Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy

 Автор: Kenneth P. Kodama

  Rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy merges environmental magnetism, in which rock magnetic measurements are used to detect past environmental change, and cyclostratigraphy, in which cyclic variations of lithology or a sedimentary rock’s physical properties are related to astronomically-forced paleoclimate change. In addition to providing paleoclimate data, cyclostratigraphy can establish high-resolution chronostratigraphy for a sequence of sedimenta

 Development of Marine Resources
 Development of Marine Resources

 Автор: Patrick Prouzet

  Marine resources and their exploitation, recovery and economic networks they generate are here from the perspective now inevitable growing environmental constraints, policy management and technical innovation. A historical perspective shows that Ocean and its adjacent seas at all times, allowed coastal communities to adapt to a very volatile environment through many technological changes. The recent development of marine biotechnology , the disc
 Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology
 Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology

 Автор: Herve Piegay

  Fluvial Geomorphology studies the biophysical processes acting in rivers, and the sediment patterns and landforms resulting from them. It is a discipline of synthesis, with roots in geology, geography, and river engineering, and with strong interactions with allied fields such as ecology, engineering and landscape architecture. This book comprehensively reviews tools used in fluvial geomorphology, at a level suitable to guide the selection of re
 A Field Guide to the Carboniferous Sediments of the Shannon Basin, Western Ireland
 A Field Guide to the Carboniferous Sediments of the Shannon Basin, Western Ireland

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The Carboniferous Shannon Basin of Western Ireland has become one of the most visited field areas in the world. It provides an ideal opportunity for examining a wide range of ancient sedimentary environments, including carbonate shelf, reefs and mud mounds, black shales and phosphates, and a spectrum of deep sea, shallow marine, fluvio-deltaic and alluvial siliciclastic sediments. The area boasts extensive outcrops and some of the most renowned
 Ecosystem Sustainability and Global Change
 Ecosystem Sustainability and Global Change

 Автор: Patrick Prouzet

  This volume provides various examples and dimensions, chemical, biological, climatic, or related to extreme (hazards). It describes, by reciprocity, the vulnerability of ecosystems, resources, heritage, human health and, consequently, economic and social sectors. it considers climate scenarios and socio-economic status indicators research, design strategies and patterns of adaptation, development of innovative monitoring systems, analysis of per
 Ocean in the Earth System
 Ocean in the Earth System

 Автор: Patrick Prouzet

  Complexity is an intrinsic property of natural systems. In the oceanic system, it is linked to many interactions with the atmosphere, geosphere and biosphere with which it exchanges energy and matter. Complexity of the ocean system has, at different spatial and temporal scales, hydrodynamic mechanisms of these exchanges and dynamics of elements and compounds, they are involved in biogeochemical cycles or used as tracers. By its pedagogical appro
 The Evolution of Meteorology
 The Evolution of Meteorology

 Автор: Kevin Anthony Teague

  The essential guide to the history, current trends, and the future of meteorology This comprehensive review explores the evolution of the field of meteorology, from its infancy in 3000 bc, through the birth of fresh ideas and the naming of the field as a science, to the technology boom, to today. The Evolution of Meteorology reveals the full story of where meteorology was then to where it is now, where the field is heading, and what needs to be
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