Show your gratitude to the people who made life today much more comfortable. This book accumulates information on some of the world's most famous US inventors. Complete with images and an easy-to-read format, this book is the perfect complement to the official textbooks used in 5th grade US History that also discuss the subject. Secure a copy now! ...
When you're in the North Pole, how would you know where the South Pole is? This is a trick question because everything in the North Pole actually points South! Open the pages of this educational book to learn more about the North and South Poles. You will love how interactive this book is because of the use of selected pictures and minimal texts. Buy a copy now! ...
Those stones you see might be an important mineral that the Earth creates. This book will open your child’s minds to the importance of the rocks and minerals you can dig up. It is a very informative book that is complete with images and just the right amount of texts too. Go ahead and get a copy of this book today! ...
Where is the North Pole? How about the South Pole? This book will teach your child more than just directions. It will also introduce the life forms found on each poles. The use of pictures that are vibrantly colored will help make learning more easily understood. You will be amazed at how easy it will be for your child to recall information pertaining to both poles. Buy one now! ...
The North Pole is a mysterious place that's mostly covered with snow. There are only a few animals that dare live in this very cold place. Turn the pages of this book to learn about the North Pole. Coloring books is a valuable learning resource that carefully selects information to ensure optimum information absorption. Grab a copy of this coloring book today! ...
A geography guide designed especially for kids can help them to absorb important information about the world around them. A geography guide helps kids learn about the physical features of the Earth such as mountains, rivers and oceans, as well as important facts about cities, countries and landmarks around the globe. Studying geography can help students be better prepared for history classes, social studies and various other subjects in school. ...
The New Food Activism explores how food activism can be pushed toward deeper and more complex engagement with social, racial, and economic justice and toward advocating for broader and more transformational shifts in the food system. Topics examined include struggles against pesticides and GMOs, efforts to improve workers’ pay and conditions throughout the food system, and ways to push food activism beyond its typical reliance on indiv ...
Art education has a definite impact on artists' sense of place and their spatial relations. Exploring where and why artists choose to locate is the first step in describing an art scene ethnographically. This research considers coming to and going through art school as a crucial inter-subjective learning environment. Artists learn not just to engage with place through spatial and relational practices, but gain a sense of mobility and tra ...
In this thoughtful and engaging critique, geographer Martin W. Lewis and historian Karen Wigen reexamine the basic geographical divisions we take for granted, and challenge the unconscious spatial frameworks that govern the way we perceive the world. Arguing that notions of East vs. West, First World vs. Third World, and even the sevenfold continental system are simplistic and misconceived, the authors trace the history of such misconceptions. T ...