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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 The Stromboli Volcano
 The Stromboli Volcano

 Автор: Sonia Calvari

  Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 182. This book presents a study of the «eruptive crisis» that took place at the Stromboli volcano from December 2002 to July 2003. It features an integrative approach to the monitoring of eruptive activity, including lava flow output, explosive activity, flank instability, submarine and subaerial landslides, tsunami, paroxysmal explosive events, and m

 Автор: Richard Hazlett W.

  Volcanoes are essential elements in the delicate global balance of elemental forces that govern both the dynamic evolution of the Earth and the nature of Life itself. Without volcanic activity, life as we know it would not exist on our planet. Although beautiful to behold, volcanoes are also potentially destructive, and understanding their nature is critical to prevent major loss of life in the future. Richly illustrated with over 300 original c
 Seismic Engineering
 Seismic Engineering

 Автор: Jacques Betbeder-Matibet

  This title offers a comprehensive coverage of the many facets of seismic engineering. The first half of the book is devoted to seismic phenomena and hazards, detailing the causes of earthquakes, the parameters used to characterize earthquakes, strong ground motions, seismic hazards and their evaluation, and seismic action. The second half discusses the effects of earthquakes and tools used to assess and reduce risk, including the effects of vibr

 Magma to Microbe
 Magma to Microbe

 Автор: Anna Metaxas

  Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 178. Hydrothermal systems at oceanic spreading centers reflect the complex interactions among transport, cooling and crystallization of magma, fluid circulation in the crust, tectonic processes, water-rock interaction, and the utilization of hydrothermal fluids as a metabolic energy source by microbial and macro-biological ecosystems. The development
 Volcanism and Subduction
 Volcanism and Subduction

 Автор: John Eichelberger

  Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 172 .The Kamchatka Peninsula and contiguous North Pacific Rim is among the most active regions in the world. Kamchatka itself contains 29 active volcanoes, 4 now in a state of semi-continuous eruption, and I has experienced 14 magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes since accurate recording began in 1962. At its heart is the uniquely acute subduction cusp
 Fundamentals of Physical Volcanology
 Fundamentals of Physical Volcanology

 Автор: Liz Parfitt

  Fundamentals of Physical Volcanology is a comprehensive overview of the processes that control when and how volcanoes erupt. Understanding these processes involves bringing together ideas from a number of disciplines, including branches of geology, such as petrology and geochemistry; and aspects of physics, such as fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. This book explains in accessible terms how different areas of science have been combined to reach
 Selected Papers From Volumes 33 and 34 of Vychislitel'naya Seysmologiya
 Selected Papers From Volumes 33 and 34 of Vychislitel'naya Seysmologiya

 Автор: Alik Ismail-Zade

  Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Computational Seismology and Geodynamics Series, Volume 8. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Editorial Board of Computational Seismology and Geodynamics (CSG) are happy to present the eighth volume of CSG. This volume contains 19 selected, translated, and reviewed articles of volumes 33 and 34 of Vychislitel'naya Seismologiya (VS), which deal with seismicity and seismic hazard
 Fundamentals of Seismic Loading on Structures
 Fundamentals of Seismic Loading on Structures

 Автор: Tapan Sen K.

  This book provides a practical guide to the basic essentials of earthquake engineering with a focus on seismic loading and structural design. Benefiting from the author’s extensive career in structural and earthquake engineering, dynamic analysis and lecturing, it is written from an industry perspective at a level suitable for graduate students. Fundamentals of Seismic Loading on Structures is organised into four major sections: introduction to
 Программное обеспечение геодезии, фотограмметрии, кадастра, инженерных изысканий
 Программное обеспечение геодезии, фотограмметрии, кадастра, инженерных изысканий

 Автор: Б. А. Браверман
 Год: 2018

  Рассмотрены возможности использования элементов программирования на языке С# в среде Microsoft Visual Studio для решения разнообразных задач геоматики. Показана связь процессов кадастра и географических информационных систем. Предложены функции для решения задач кадастра и инженерных изысканий на основе данных геодезии и аэротриангуляции. Программно реализовано цифровое моделирование местности, в котором геодезические и геологические изыскания р
Показано 19 - 27 (всего 41 позиций)
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