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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Principles of Microbial Diversity
 Principles of Microbial Diversity

 Автор: James W. Brown

  Every speck of dust, drop of water, and grain of soil and each part of every plant and animal contain their own worlds of microbes. Designed as a key text for upper-level undergraduates majoring in microbiology, genetics, or biology, Principles of Microbial Diversity provides a solid curriculum for students to explore the enormous range of biological diversity in the microbial world. Within these richly illustrated pages, author and profess
 Orphan Black and Philosophy
 Orphan Black and Philosophy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In Orphan Black, several apparently unconnected women discover that they are exact physical doubles, that there are more of them out there, that they are all illegally produced clones, and that someone is having them killed. They find themselves in the midst of a secret and violent struggle between a fundamentalist religious group, a fanatical cult of superhuman biological enhancement, a clandestine department of the military, and a giant biotec
 An A-Z of Genetic Factors in Autism
 An A-Z of Genetic Factors in Autism

 Автор: Kenneth Aitken

  Our understanding of the biological bases to the autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) is advancing rapidly. Over 80 genetic conditions have now been reported in people who have also been diagnosed with ASDs. Many of these conditions have specific implications for the presenting phenotype and for treatment, management, and intervention. If the basis to the presenting behavioural phenotype is not identified, this can result in a sub-optimal level of

 DNA Microarrays
 DNA Microarrays

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Whole Genome Amplification
 Whole Genome Amplification

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Expression Systems
 Expression Systems

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Fingerprint - What Makes Me Unique : Biology for Kids | Children's Biology Books
 Fingerprint - What Makes Me Unique : Biology for Kids | Children's Biology Books

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Make biology an interesting subject for little learners through this fun picture book. In this book, we will discuss the features that make you . One of these would be your fingerprint. Did you know that you are the only one with a fingerprint like yours? None of the seven billion people in the world is a duplicate of you! Learn more interesting facts about your body today!
 You Are Unique : An Introduction to Genetics - Biology for Kids | Children's Biology Books
 You Are Unique : An Introduction to Genetics - Biology for Kids | Children's Biology Books

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Get right to the source of your uniqueness! This book on genetics is a brilliant way of introducing the subject to elementary students. It comes with the right amount of age-appropriate information to boost information absorption and retention. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and secure a copy today!
 Perimenopause: How to Create A Healthy Physical & Emotional Life During the Change
 Perimenopause: How to Create A Healthy Physical & Emotional Life During the Change

 Автор: Heather Rose

  Perimenopause–one of women's most deterred words. It's quite understandable, though, as experiencing perimenopause will bring a lot of changes to a woman's body. Some women are lucky not to have those symptoms meddle with their lives, but some aren't so fortunate; their loved ones also have to adapt to the changes – especially about those mood swings – that they face. But it does not have to be this way. In the new book, Peri
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