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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Understanding Population Genetics
 Understanding Population Genetics

 Автор: Torbjorn Sall

  An inspiring introduction to a vital scientific field. The reader is taken through ten mathematical derivations that lead to important results, explaining in a hands-on manner the key concepts and methods of theoretical population genetics. The derivations are carefully worked out and easy to follow. Particular attention is given to the underlying assumptions and the mathematics used. The results are discussed and broadened out with relevant cur
 Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling
 Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The first of its kind, this reference gives a comprehensive but concise introduction to epigenetics before covering the many interactions between hormone regulation and epigenetics at all levels. The contents are very well structured with no overlaps between chapters, and each one features supplementary material for use in presentations. Throughout, major emphasis is placed on pathological conditions, aiming at the many physiologists and develop
 Genomic Selection in Animals
 Genomic Selection in Animals

 Автор: Joel Weller

  The field of whole genome selection has quickly developed into the breeding methodology of the future. As efforts to map a wide variety of animal genomes have matured and full animal genomes are now available for many animal scientists and breeders are looking to apply these techniques to livestock production. Providing a comprehensive, forward-looking review of animal genomics, Genomic Selection in Animals provides coverage of genomic selection

 Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
 Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics

 Автор: Jonathan Pevsner

  The bestselling introduction to bioinformatics and genomics – now in its third edition Widely received in its previous editions, Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics offers the most broad-based introduction to this explosive new discipline. Now in a thoroughly updated and expanded third edition, it continues to be the go-to source for students and professionals involved in biomedical research. This book provides up-to-the-minute coverage of th
 Genetics? No Problem!
 Genetics? No Problem!

 Автор: Kevin O'Dell

  The analysis and interpretation of data is fundamental to the subject of genetics and forms a compulsory part of the undergraduate genetics curriculum. Indeed, the key skills that a genetics student requires are an ability to design and understand experimental strategies and to use problem-solving skills to interpret experimental results and data. Genetics? No Problem! provides students with a graded set of problems that aim to enthuse, challeng
 Somatic Genome Variation
 Somatic Genome Variation

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Written by an international team of experts, Somatic Genome Variation presents a timely summary of the latest understanding of somatic genome development and variation in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Wide-ranging in coverage, the authors provide an updated view of somatic genomes and genetic theories while also offering interpretations of somatic genome variation. The text provides geneticists, bioinformaticians, biologist, plant scienti
 Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics
 Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics

 Автор: Hasan Khatib

  Animal genetics is a foundational discipline in the fields of animal science, animal breeding, and veterinary sciences. While genetics underpins the healthy development and breeding of all living organisms, this is especially true in domestic animals, specifically with respect to breeding for key traits. Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics is a new textbook that takes an innovative approach, looking at both quantitative and molecular bree
 Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology
 Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology

 Автор: Paul Singleton

  DNA technology is evolving rapidly, with new methods and a fast-growing vocabulary. This unique dictionary offers current, detailed and accessible information on DNA technology to lecturers, researchers and students throughout the biomedical and related sciences. The third edition is a major update, with over 3000 references from mainstream journals and data from the very latest research – going well beyond the remit of most science dictionaries
 Elektrophorese leicht gemacht
 Elektrophorese leicht gemacht

 Автор: Reiner Westermeier

  Die zweite Auflage eines Standardwerks: Alle wichtigen Aspekte und Techniken der Elektrophorese werden abgedeckt, von SDS-PAGE und Isotachophorese bis zu isoelektrischer Fokussierung, blauer Nativ-Elektrophorese und zweidimensionalen Methoden. Speziell auf die Bedurfnisse von Laboranten und technischen Angestellten zugeschnitten, stehen praktische Gesichtspunkte und Methoden im Mittelpunkt des Buchs. Nach einem Uberblick uber alle gangigen Elekt
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