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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Electrophoresis in Practice
 Electrophoresis in Practice

 Автор: Reiner Westermeier

  This fifth edition of the successful, long-selling classic has been completely revised and expanded, omitting some topics on obsolete DNA electrophoresis, but now with a completely new section on electrophoretic micro-methods and on-the-chip electrophoresis. The text is geared towards advanced students and professionals and contains extended background sections, protocols and a trouble-shooting section. It is now also backed by a supplementary w
 Cytogenetic Laboratory Management
 Cytogenetic Laboratory Management

 Автор: Susan Mahler Zneimer

  Cytogenetic Laboratory Management: Chromosomal, FISH and Microarray-Based Best Practices and Procedures is a practical guide that describes how to develop and implement best practice processes and procedures in the genetic laboratory setting. The text first describes good laboratory practices, including quality management, design control of tests and FDA guidelines for laboratory developed tests, and pre-clinical validation study designs. The se
 Automatische genetische Analytik
 Automatische genetische Analytik

 Автор: Gunter Mertes

  The relevance of genetic analysis and the need of its automation have rapidly increased during the last years not only in molecular biology and medicine but particularly in fields outside these 'classical' areas of application. In forensic medicine and criminology, e.g., DNA analysis has become a routine method – and a similar development is just ongoing in fields like anthropology, paleontology, plant and animal breeding, and food production. T

 Handbook of Statistical Systems Biology
 Handbook of Statistical Systems Biology

 Автор: David J. Balding

  Systems Biology is now entering a mature phase in which the key issues are characterising uncertainty and stochastic effects in mathematical models of biological systems. The area is moving towards a full statistical analysis and probabilistic reasoning over the inferences that can be made from mathematical models. This handbook presents a comprehensive guide to the discipline for practitioners and educators, in providing a full and detailed tre
 Molecular Ecology
 Molecular Ecology

 Автор: Joanna R. Freeland

  Molecular Ecology, 2nd Edition provides an accessible introduction to the many diverse aspects of this subject. The book takes a logical and progressive approach to uniting examples from a wide range of taxonomic groups. The straightforward writing style offers in depth analysis whilst making often challenging subjects such as population genetics and phylogenetics highly comprehensible to the reader. The first part of the book introduces the ess
 An Introduction to Forensic Genetics
 An Introduction to Forensic Genetics

 Автор: William Archer Goodwin

  This is a completely revised edition of a comprehensive and popular introduction to the fast moving area of Forensic Genetics. The text begins with key concepts needed to fully appreciate the subject and moves on to examine the latest developments in the field. Now illustrated in full colour throughout, this accessible textbook includes numerous references to relevant casework. With information on the full process of DNA evidence from collection
 BSL3 and BSL4 Agents
 BSL3 and BSL4 Agents

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Unique coverage of proteomic and glycomic approaches to better distinguish highly dangerous pathogens, as well as using these to explore novel treatment and prevention options. The editors and authors are either part of a specialized European network initiated to develop fast and reliable detection and therapy options, or are associated with the core military research complex of the United States. With its description of the methods, their advan
 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The only comprehensive overview of the molecular basis and clinical features of the genetic disorder tuberous sclerosis, which affects approximately 50,000 people in the US alone. Special focus is placed on novel insights into the signal transduction pathways affected by the disease as well as genotype phenotype correlations, while existing and potential therapies are also discussed in depth. The editors are leading experts in research and treat
 The Colors of Mice
 The Colors of Mice

 Автор: Veronique Delmas

  Serving the needs of pigment cell biologists, cellular physiologists, developmental geneticists, researchers interested in melanoma and more, this new book showcases a blend of new technologies and new insights in the field of pigmantary genetics of mice, with comparative information on other animals. Graduate students can learn here the terminology and scope of the field, and animal fanciers can discover the genetics behind common color variant
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