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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Гендерные различия
 Women Strikers Occupy Chain Stores, Win Big
 Women Strikers Occupy Chain Stores, Win Big

 Автор: Dana Frank

  The fightback against corporate rule has again come into National focus following the economic collapse of 2008, the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United, the Occupy movement, the Longshoreman's strike in California and the increasing disparity between rich and poor. People are beginning to realize that the way to affect meaningful change is through struggle that interrupts the flow of production. The lessons that can be gained from th
 Clipped Wings
 Clipped Wings

 Автор: Molly Merryman

  Revives the overlooked stories of pioneering women aviators, who are also featured in the forthcoming documentary film Coming Home: Fight for a Legacy During World War II, all branches of the military had women's auxiliaries. Only the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) program, however, was made up entirely of women who undertook dangerous missions more commonly associated with and desired by men. Within military hierarchies, the World
 Women Rising
 Women Rising

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Groundbreaking essays by female activists and scholars documenting women’s resistance before, during, and after the Arab Spring Images of women protesting in the Arab Spring, from Tahrir Square to the streets of Tunisia and Syria, have become emblematic of the political upheaval sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. In Women Rising , Rita Stephan and Mounira M. Charrad bring together a provocative group of scholars, activists, artists, an

 Deepstep Come Shining
 Deepstep Come Shining

 Автор: C.D. Wright

  Rebellious and fiercely lyrical, the poems of C.D. Wright incorporate elements of disjunction and odd juxtaposition in their exploration of unfolding context. «In my book,» she writes, «poetry is a necessity of life. It is a function of poetry to locate those zones inside us that would be free, and declare them so.»C.D. Wright was born and raised in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. She has received numerous awards for her work, including grants
 Sultana's Dream
 Sultana's Dream

 Автор: Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

  Sultana’s Dream, first published in 1905 in a Madras English newspaper, is a witty feminist utopia—a tale of reverse purdah that posits a world in which men are confined indoors and women have taken over the public sphere, ending a war nonviolently and restoring health and beauty to the world."The Secluded Ones" is a selection of short sketches, first published in Bengali newspapers, illuminating the cruel and comic realities
 Backwards and in Heels
 Backwards and in Heels

 Автор: Alicia Malone

  • Malone has over 1 million views on YouTube • TedTalk #GirlsinFilm has been seen over 25,000 times • Gender Inequality in Film by the numbers: o In the top 500 movies of all time: 70% of all speaking roles go to men // 2 to 1 ratio of nudity // teenage females depicting nudity has risen by 33% since 2007 • The gender gap for cinematic and film majors does not exsist. Women represent 51 percent of graduate students at the NYU Tisch School o
 The Business of Women's Empowerment
 The Business of Women's Empowerment

 Автор: Sofie Tornhill
 Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges
 Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Liminal Subjects
 Liminal Subjects

 Автор: Sara C. Motta
Показано 55 - 63 (всего 358 позиций)
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