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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
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 Fierce Joy (Unabridged)
 Fierce Joy (Unabridged)

 Автор: Susie Rinehart

  This guide explores the causes of anxious perfectionism, crippling fear, and anxiety in regards to the impossible expectations society forces upon women. It explains how listeners can find their own voice and teaches them how to ask for help in a society that teaches us to "suffer in silence.? By unraveling that journey for listeners, Fierce Joy reveals how to embrace imperfection and overcome expectations so that listeners can live a life that
 Holiness and Transgression
 Holiness and Transgression

 Автор: Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel
 From Fashion to Politics
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 Автор: Jennifer Stollman
 Calling This Place Home
 Calling This Place Home

 Автор: Joan M. Jensen

  Swedish domestic worker Emina Johnson witnessed the great Peshtigo fire in 1871; Cherokee nurse Isabella Wolfe served the Lac du Flambeau reservation for decades; the author&#39;s own grandmother, Matilda Schopp, was one of numerous immigrants who eked out a living on the Wisconsin cutover. Calling This Place Home tells the stories of these and many other Native and settler women during Wisconsin&#39;s frontier era.<br /><br /&g
 Making Marriage
 Making Marriage

 Автор: Catherine J. Denial

  The debate over the meaning of marriage in the United States and specifically in Minnesota is not a recent development. From 1820 to 1845, when the first significant numbers of Americans arrived in the region now called Minnesota, they carried the belief that good government and an orderly household went hand in hand. The territorial, state, and federal governments of the United States were built upon a particular vision of civic responsibility:
 Dakota Women's Work
 Dakota Women's Work

 Автор: Colette Hyman

  A tiny pair of beaded deerskin moccasins, given to a baby in 1913, provides the starting point for this thoughtful examination of the work of Dakota women.<br /><br />Mary Eastman Faribault, born in Minnesota, made them almost four decades after the U.S.–Dakota War of 1862. This and other ornately decorated objects created by Dakota women&mdash;cradleboards, clothing, animal skin containers&mdash;served more than a utilitaria
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 Her Honor

 Автор: Lori Sturdevant

  While there is no single hero of the Minnesota women&#39;s movement, Rosalie Wahl, the first woman on the Minnesota Supreme Court, changed the way her fellow judges saw the cases they decided. A champion of both women&#39;s rights and civil rights, she brought new attention to the problems that faced women impoverished by divorce, women abused by their partners, and others who coped with poverty and discrimination. With sharp intelligenc
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 Making Waves

 Автор: Elizabeth Ann Bartlett

  In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a wave of feminist activism and organizing broke on the shores of the Twin Ports of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin. Its impact has shaped and transformed the lives of women and men in this community, the nation, and the world. Beginning with one of the first rape crisis programs and battered women’s shelters in the country, pioneering organizations sprang up all over the Duluth. The Domestic Abuse In
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