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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Гендерные различия
 Alice in France
 Alice in France

 Автор: Группа авторов

  July 19, 1918: The wounded were pouring into the four Hospitals of the town. . . . We have decided to double up for a few days&mdash;half of us work at the Canteen and half at the Hospitals, taking turns. It will be hard work for awhile but everyone feels that you can&#39;t work hard enough these days.<br /><br />In March 1918, twenty-six-year-old Alice O&#39;Brien and three close friends set off from New York harbor, bou
 Transgender Profiles
 Transgender Profiles

 Автор: Linda Defruscio-Robinson

  Transgender Profiles: Time for a Change is an inspirational volume from Linda DeFruscio about the courage it takes to become the person you have always felt you were inside – to shirk off the mask that you have worn for your whole life until this moment. As an electrologist, Linda sees clients every day who are in the process of transitioning to a different gender, and she is there to help them in their journey of self-expression and the claim

 Автор: Alia Mamdouh

  Seen through the eyes of a strong-willed and perceptive young girl, Naphtalene beautifully captures the atmosphere of Baghdad in the 1940s and 1950s. Through her rich and lyrical descriptions, Alia Mamdouh vividly recreates a city of public steam baths, roadside butchers, and childhood games played in the same streets where political demonstrations against British colonialism are beginning to take place.At the heart of the novel is nine-year-old

 Mulberry and Peach
 Mulberry and Peach

 Автор: Hualing Nieh

  This extraordinary novel, winner of a 1990 American Book Award, recounts the story of two women&#151;Mulberry and Peach&#151;who are really one. Mulberry is a young woman who has fled the turmoil of postwar China to settle in the United States. Unable to forget the terrors she has witnessed or resolve the conflicts between her new life and her old, she develops a second personality: fearless, tough-talking, sexually uninhibited, Peach. W
 Predators Live Among us
 Predators Live Among us

 Автор: Diane Roblin Lee

  Child molestation is epidemic in our society. We have to find new ways to protect our kids! In the time it took for Ward Cleaver and Fonzie to morph into Homer Simpson and his South Park neighbors, the fiber of humanity changed. Once-safe sidewalks, filled with active children, emptied into avenues where anxious parents now drive their children to school…GET ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE! Out of personal heartbreak, award-winning author Di
 Goodbye Madame Butterfly
 Goodbye Madame Butterfly

 Автор: Sumie Kawakami

  Sumie Kawakami is an experienced and intelligent reporter who manages to get her subjects to bare their souls and share their anxieties in a book I found hard to put down. &#8221; &#151;Jeff Kingston, The Japan Times"Kawakami presents a frank portrait of Japanese women today, via these compulsively readable, expertly crafted essays. Further kudos should go to Yuko Enomoto for her seamless translation.&#8221; &#151;Suzanne Kamata,
 Will to Change
 Will to Change

 Автор: bell hooks

 Generation F
 Generation F

 Автор: Virginia Trioli

 Mother Is a Verb
 Mother Is a Verb

 Автор: Sarah Knott

Показано 28 - 36 (всего 358 позиций)
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