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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Гендерные различия
 Man Jesus Loved
 Man Jesus Loved

 Автор: Theodore W. Jr. Jennings

  Homosexuality has been at the forefront of debate in the church for the last quarter-century, with Biblical interpretation at the heart of this debate. Some biblical passages appear to condemn certain same-sex relationships or erotic practices, resulting in a challenge to clergy as well as laity regarding the preaching and understanding of these Biblical passages. In «The Man Jesus Loved,» Jennings proposes a gay-affirmative reading of the Bible
 bury it
 bury it

 Автор: sam sax

  <P>sam sax's bury it, winner of the 2017 James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets, begins with poems written in response to the spate of highly publicized young gay suicides in the summer of 2010. What follows are raw and expertly crafted meditations on death, rituals of passage, translation, desire, diaspora, and personhood. What's at stake is survival itself and the archiving of a lived and lyric history.
 Antonia Mercé, "LaArgentina"
 Antonia Mercé, "LaArgentina"

 Автор: Ninotchka Bennahum

  <P>Antonia Mercé, stage-named La Argentina, was the most celebrated Spanish dancer of the early 20th century. Her intensive musical and theatrical collaborations with members of the Spanish vanguard – Manuel de Falla, Frederico García Lorca, Enrique Granados, Néstor de la Torre, Joaquín Nín, and with renowned Andalusian Gypsy dancers – reflect her importance as an art

 Made for This
 Made for This

 Автор: Mary Haseltine

  Millions of women have felt the power of birth, and countless women long for it. But for too many, birth can seem like a purely clinical experience – something to get through as quickly as possible in order to get on with the joys of being a mother. In Made for This , author Mary Haseltine draws on Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to show that birth is an essential part of who God created women to be, body and soul. With real-lif
 Catholic Sexual Ethics
 Catholic Sexual Ethics

 Автор: William May

  The authoritative work on the Church's teaching on sexual morality has been thoroughly updated to address dimensions of this complex topic that have emerged in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.</p><p>Since publication of the 2nd edition of <b>Catholic Sexual Ethics</b>, the philosophical landscape of human sexuality has dramatically changed. The rise of such concerns as moral relativism, the drive for same-sex
 Communities and Place
 Communities and Place

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have established gathering spaces to find acceptance, form social networks, and unify to resist oppression. Framing the emergence of queer enclaves in reference to place, this volume explores the physical and symbolic spaces of LGBTQ Americans. Authors provide an overview of the concept of “place” and its role in informing identity formation and community building. The book also inclu
 The Fourth String
 The Fourth String

 Автор: Janet Pocorobba

  The word sensei in Japanese literally means &ldquo;one who came before,&rdquo; but that&rsquo;s not what Janet Pocorobba&rsquo;s teacher wanted to be called. She used her first name, Western-style. She wore a velour Beatles cap and leather jacket, and she taught foreigners, in English, the three-stringed shamisen, an instrument that fell out of tune as soon as you started to play it. Vexed by the music and Sensei&rsquo;s mi
 Love Not Given Lightly
 Love Not Given Lightly

 Автор: Tina Horn

  Tina Horn is a well-known pornographer, counter-culture journalist, and sex worker advocate. Her first book is a refreshing take on sex work memoir – instead of telling her own stories of kinky sex work and queer filmmaking, Tina writes about the extraordinary friends she has made while working in the sex industry.The quirky, yet familiar characters who populate Tina Horn's book allow readers to imagine what it is like to step into a new se
 Women Building History
 Women Building History

 Автор: Wanda Corn
Показано 82 - 90 (всего 358 позиций)
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