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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Psychology of the Foreign Exchange Market
 The Psychology of the Foreign Exchange Market

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book demystifies the foreign exchange market by focusing on the people who comprise it. Drawing on the expertise of the very professionals whose decisions help shape the market, Thomas Oberlechner describes the highly interdependent relationship between financial decision makers and news providers, showing that the assumption that the foreign exchange market is purely economic and rational has to be replaced by a more complex market psychol
 Applied Quantitative Methods for Trading and Investment
 Applied Quantitative Methods for Trading and Investment

 Автор: Jason Laws

  This book provides a manual on quantitative financial analysis. Focusing on advanced methods for modelling financial markets in the context of practical financial applications, it will cover data, software and techniques that will enable the reader to implement and interpret quantitative methodologies, specifically for trading and investment. Includes contributions from an international team of academics and quantitative asset managers from Morg
 Loan Workouts and Debt for Equity Swaps
 Loan Workouts and Debt for Equity Swaps

 Автор: Paul Hedges

  The key to a successful loan workout is to identify the problems accurately and address them early. It is critical that the company's underlying business and financial problems are resolved and not merely the symptoms. Loan Workouts and Debt for Equity Swaps examines how a successful loan workout can be managed. It detail the processes and participants involved, whilst providing frameworks and practical step- by-step approaches that allow for a

 Alternative Beta Strategies and Hedge Fund Replication
 Alternative Beta Strategies and Hedge Fund Replication

 Автор: Lars Jaeger

  There s a buzzword that has quickly captured the imagination of product providers and investors alike: «hedge fund replication». In the broadest sense, replicating hedge fund strategies means replicating their return sources and corresponding risk exposures. However, there still lacks a coherent picture on what hedge fund replication means in practice, what its premises are, how to distinguish di erent approaches, and where this can lead us to.
 Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets
 Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Matlab is used within nearly all investment banks and is a requirement in most quant job ads. There is no other book written for finance practitioners that covers this Enables readers to implement financial and econometric models in Matlab All central concepts and theories are illustrated by Matlab implementations which are accompanied by detailed descriptions of the programming steps needed All concepts and techniques are introduced from a basi
 The Rating Agencies and Their Credit Ratings
 The Rating Agencies and Their Credit Ratings

 Автор: Herwig Langohr

  Credit rating agencies play a critical role in capital markets, guiding the asset allocation of institutional investors as private capital moves freely around the world in search of the best trade-off between risk and return. However, they have also been strongly criticised for failing to spot the Asian crisis in the early 1990s, the Enron, WorldCom and Parmalat collapses in the early 2000s and finally for their ratings of subprime-related struc
 Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives
 Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives presents an up-to-date, comprehensive, accessible and practical guide to the pricing and risk-management of credit derivatives. It is both a detailed introduction to credit derivative modelling and a reference for those who are already practitioners. This book is up-to-date as it covers many of the important developments which have occurred in the credit derivatives market in the past 4-5 y
 Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA
 Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA

 Автор: Gunter Loeffler

  In today's increasingly competitive financial world, successful risk management, portfolio management, and financial structuring demand more than up-to-date financial know-how. They also call for quantitative expertise, including the ability to effectively apply mathematical modeling tools and techniques, in this case credit. Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA with DVD provides practitioners with a hands on introduction to credit risk mode
 Multi-moment Asset Allocation and Pricing Models
 Multi-moment Asset Allocation and Pricing Models

 Автор: Mark Rubinstein

  While mainstream financial theories and applications assume that asset returns are normally distributed and individual preferences are quadratic, the overwhelming empirical evidence shows otherwise. Indeed, most of the asset returns exhibit “fat-tails” distributions and investors exhibit asymmetric preferences. These empirical findings lead to the development of a new area of research dedicated to the introduction of higher order moments in port
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