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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Exotic Option Pricing and Advanced Levy Models
 Exotic Option Pricing and Advanced Levy Models

 Автор: Paul Wilmott

  Since around the turn of the millennium there has been a general acceptance that one of the more practical improvements one may make in the light of the shortfalls of the classical Black-Scholes model is to replace the underlying source of randomness, a Brownian motion, by a Levy process. Working with Levy processes allows one to capture desirable distributional characteristics in the stock returns. In addition, recent work on Levy processes has
 Fibonacci and Gann Applications in Financial Markets
 Fibonacci and Gann Applications in Financial Markets

 Автор: Группа авторов

  There are many books covering Fibonacci from an artistic and historical point of view and almost as many suggesting that Fibonacci retracements and numbers can be successfully applied to financial market time series. What is missing is a book that addresses the common errors in using screen based Fibonacci (and Gann and other tools). The book is a critical exploration of Fibonacci numbers, retracements, projections, timeframes and fanlines and t
 Trading The China Market With American Depository Receipts
 Trading The China Market With American Depository Receipts

 Автор: Alan Voon

  Discover the secrets of trading the Chinese markets with American Depository Receipts Introducing a new way to make virtually risk-free profits, Trading the China Market with American Depository Receipts teaches readers how to successfully trade U.S. listed American Depository Receipts (ADRs) of Chinese stocks . . . by using information that comes to light outside of Asian trading hours, but while the U.S. markets are still open. Filled with suc

 In The Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples
 In The Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples

 Автор: Gil Morales

  Praise for In the Trading Cockpit . . . «Morales and Kacher want you to see an alternative to popular and traditional dead end strategies (i.e., buy and hope). Absorb the insights of In the Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples and put yourself in position to think differently—and profit.» – Michael W. Covel, Bestselling author of Trend Following and The Complete TurtleTrader; President, Trend Following Your hands-on guide to mastering power
 Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C / C++
 Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C / C++

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ is a must-buy book for any serious Excel developer.Excel is the industry standard for financial modelling, providing a number of ways for users to extend the functionality of their own add-ins, including VBA and C/C++. This is the only complete how-to guide and reference book for the creation of high performance add-ins for Excel in C and C++ for users in the finance industry. Steve
 Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA
 Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA

 Автор: Mike Staunton

  This new and unique book demonstrates that Excel and VBA can play an important role in the explanation and implementation of numerical methods across finance. Advanced Modelling in Finance provides a comprehensive look at equities, options on equities and options on bonds from the early 1950s to the late 1990s. The book adopts a step-by-step approach to understanding the more sophisticated aspects of Excel macros and VBA programming, showing how
 Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, 3 Volume Set
 Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, 3 Volume Set

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, Second Edition provides a thoroughly updated look at derivatives and financial engineering, published in three volumes with additional CD-ROM. Volume 1: Mathematical and Financial Foundations; Basic Theory of Derivatives; Risk and Return. The reader is introduced to the fundamental mathematical tools and financial concepts needed to understand quantitative finance, portfolio management and derivatives. Paral
 Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management
 Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) represents a fundamental shift in the way businesses must approach risk. As the economy becomes more service driven and globally oriented, businesses cannot afford to let new, unforeseen areas of risk remain unidentified. Currency fluctuations, human resources in foreign countries, evaporating distribution channels, corporate governance, and unprecedented dependence on technology are just a few of the new risks b
 Финансовый учет в строительстве
 Финансовый учет в строительстве

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Год: 2019

  В учебно-методическом пособии кратко изложен теоретический материал, необходимый для выполнения заданий на практических занятиях и при самостоятельной работе обучающихся по дисциплине «Финансовый учет в строительстве». Приведены задачи и примеры отражения хозяйственных операций, осуществляемых в хозяйственной деятельности предприятий инвестиционно-строительной сферы. Для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 38.03.02 Менеджмент.
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