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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Wiley FINRA Series 10 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Sales Supervisor Examination -- General Module
 Wiley FINRA Series 10 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Sales Supervisor Examination -- General Module

 Автор: Wiley

  The go-to guide to acing the Series 10 Exam! Passing the General Securities Sales Supervisor Qualification Exam (Series 9 and 10) qualifies an individual to supervise sales activities in corporate, municipal, and option securities; investment company products; variable contracts; and direct participation programs. The exam covers hiring, qualification, and continuing education; supervision of accounts and sales activities; conduct of associated
 Wiley FINRA Series 7 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Representative Examination
 Wiley FINRA Series 7 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Representative Examination

 Автор: Wiley

  The most comprehensive guide to the Series 7 exam in the marketplace includes a self-directed study guide with all the most essential information to becoming a stockbroker. Areas covered include: Stocks, Debt Securities, Investment Banking, Securities Markets, Taxes, Securities Analysis, Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO's), Mutual Funds and Investment Companies, Annuities, Margin, Options, Money Market Instruments, Direct Participation Program
 Wiley FINRA Series 24 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Principal Examination
 Wiley FINRA Series 24 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Principal Examination

 Автор: Wiley

  The go-to guide to acing the Series 24 Exam! Passing the General Securities Principal Qualification Examination (Series 24) qualifies an individual to act as a principal of a general securities broker-dealer and to supervise the firm and its agents. The exam covers the supervision of such areas as investment banking, underwriting, and research practices; trading and market-making; brokerage office operations; and sales practices and agents, as w

 Wiley FINRA Series 62 Exam Review 2017. The Corporate Securities Representative Examination
 Wiley FINRA Series 62 Exam Review 2017. The Corporate Securities Representative Examination

 Автор: Wiley

  The go-to guide to acing the Series 62 Exam! Passing the Corporate Securities Limited Representative Exam (Series 62) qualifies an individual as a representative for the sale of public offerings and/or private placements of corporate securities, rights, warrants, closed-end funds, money market funds, REITs, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, and more. Topics covered on the exam include characteristics of securities and investme
 Управленческий учет. Учебное пособие
 Управленческий учет. Учебное пособие

 Автор: К. П. Янковский
 Год: 2011

  В учебном пособии на основе широкого круга научной, учебной литературы, нормативно-правовой и законодательной базы раскрываются актуальные аспекты управленческого учета. Материал систематизирован в соответствии с требованиями современного состояния экономики. Теоретические аспекты закрепляются при рассмотрении и решении конкретных хозяйственных ситуаций, контрольных вопросов, тестов остаточных знаний и при проведении семинарских занятий. Учебно
 Корпоративные финансы. Учебник для вузов
 Корпоративные финансы. Учебник для вузов

 Автор: Коллектив авторов
 Год: 2014

  В учебнике содержится материал по теории корпоративных финансов и финансового управления на предприятиях, изложенный в соответствии с современным уровнем их развития и требованиями экономической реальности. Помимо основных понятий, лежащих в основе корпоративных финансов и финансового управления предприятиями, в учебнике рассматриваются фундаментальные концепции теории корпоративных финансов, проводится детальный разбор теорий и методов управлен
 The End of Finance
 The End of Finance

 Автор: Amato Massimo

  This new book by two distinguished Italian economists is a highly original contribution to our understanding of the origins and aftermath of the financial crisis. The authors show that the recent financial crisis cannot be understood simply as a malfunctioning in the subprime mortgage market: rather, it is rooted in a much more fundamental transformation, taking place over an extended time period, in the very nature of finance. The ‘end’ or purp
 The Art of Credit Derivatives. Demystifying the Black Swan
 The Art of Credit Derivatives. Demystifying the Black Swan

 Автор: Goossens Serge

  Credit derivatives have been instrumental in the recent increase in securitization activity. The complex nature and the size of the market have given rise to very complex counterparty credit risks. The Lehman failure has shown that these issues can paralyse the financial markets, and the need for detailed understanding has never been greater. The Art of Credit Derivatives shows practitioners how to put a framework in place which will support the
 Operational Risk Assessment. The Commercial Imperative of a more Forensic and Transparent Approach
 Operational Risk Assessment. The Commercial Imperative of a more Forensic and Transparent Approach

 Автор: Young Brendon

  Operational risk assessment The Commercial Imperative of a More Forensic and Transparent Approach Brendon Young and Rodney Coleman “Brendon Young and Rodney Coleman's book is extremely timely. There has never been a greater need for the financial industry to reassess the way it looks at risk. […] They are right to draw attention to the current widespread practices of risk management, which […] have allowed risk to become underpriced across the e
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