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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Markets Never Sleep. Global Insights for More Consistent Trading
 The Markets Never Sleep. Global Insights for More Consistent Trading

 Автор: Patsy Dow Busby

  Praise for The Markets Never Sleep «An excellent primer for futures and the global financial market, a clear voice of their importance for all traders. Tom also gives an easy-to-understand professional approach to discipline, money management, and the 'numbers' to watch that indicate market direction. Help for all traders to earn bigger, more consistent profits.» –Ned W. Bennett, CEO, optionsXpress, Inc. «Well . . . they've done it again! Tom an
 Trading Risk. Enhanced Profitability through Risk Control
 Trading Risk. Enhanced Profitability through Risk Control

 Автор: Kenneth Grant L.

  Revolutionary techniques that traders can implement to improve profits and avoid losses No trader, professional or individual, can afford not to have a solid risk management program integrated into his or her trading system. But finding a precise mathematical model to replace subjective decision-making processes is a challenge. Traditionally, risk management has focused solely on loss avoidance, but in Trading Risk, hedge fund risk manager Kenne
 Trading Pairs. Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies
 Trading Pairs. Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies

 Автор: Mark Whistler

  An accessible guide to the pairs trading technique A leading arbitrage expert gives traders real tools for using pairs trading, including customizable Excel worksheets available on the companion website. Mark Whistler (Denver, CO) is the key developer of pairstrader.com as well as a licensed securities trader and broker and leading arbitrage expert.

 Lecturing Birds on Flying. Can Mathematical Theories Destroy the Financial Markets?
 Lecturing Birds on Flying. Can Mathematical Theories Destroy the Financial Markets?

 Автор: Pablo Triana

  Praise for Lecturing Birds On Flying «Finally, a book taking a critical look at quantitative finance models, illuminating both their flawed fantasy assumptions as well as the uncritical use of such models on Wall Street, in many cases, leading to billion dollar losses. Pablo Triana knows both the financial industry and the academic community from the inside. A must-read for anyone interested in finance.» —Dr. Espen Gaarder Haug, trader, thinker,
 Statistical Arbitrage. Algorithmic Trading Insights and Techniques
 Statistical Arbitrage. Algorithmic Trading Insights and Techniques

 Автор: Andrew Pole

  While statistical arbitrage has faced some tough times?as markets experienced dramatic changes in dynamics beginning in 2000?new developments in algorithmic trading have allowed it to rise from the ashes of that fire. Based on the results of author Andrew Pole?s own research and experience running a statistical arbitrage hedge fund for eight years?in partnership with a group whose own history stretches back to the dawn of what was first called p
 Pension Revolution. A Solution to the Pensions Crisis
 Pension Revolution. A Solution to the Pensions Crisis

 Автор: Keith Ambachtsheer P.

  Praise for Pension Revolution «When Keith Ambachtsheer puts his keen mind to work on a problem, watch out! Here he exposes today's fragile arrangements for the most serious social dilemma of our times–financing retirement. Then he provides a compelling and powerful set of solutions. His writings are essential reading for all who care about the future of American living standards.» –Peter Bernstein, founder and President, Peter L. Bernstein, Inc.

 Автор: John C. Bogle

  "Adam Smith continues to dazzle and sparkle! With the passage of time, Supermoney has, if anything, added to its power to inspire, arouse, provoke, motivate, inform, illuminate, entertain, and guide a whole new generation of readers, while marvelously reprising the global money show for earlier fans." -David M. Darst, author of The Art of Asset Allocation Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist, Morgan Stanley Individual Investor Group
 Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel + Website. A Step-by-Step Guide
 Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel + Website. A Step-by-Step Guide

 Автор: Keith Allman A.

  A serious source of information for those looking to reverse engineer business deals It’s clear from the current turbulence on Wall Street that the inner workings of its most complex transactions are poorly understood. Wall Street deals parse risk using intricate legal terminology that is difficult to translate into an analytical model. Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street: A Step-By-Step Guide takes readers through a detailed methodology of
 Rattiner's Review for the CFP Certification Examination, Fast Track, Study Guide
 Rattiner's Review for the CFP Certification Examination, Fast Track, Study Guide

 Автор: Jeffrey Rattiner H.

  A CFP Study Guide that deliverswhat you need to succeed! This quick study guide for candidates preparing to take the CFP Certification Examination covers the bare-bones essentials needed to pass this challenging exam in a logical and easy-to-absorb manner. Now, in a Second Edition, it covers some of the most important disciplines of financial planning–insurance, employee benefit, investment, income tax, retirement, estate, and general planning–a
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