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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Trade Like Warren Buffett
 Trade Like Warren Buffett

 Автор: James Altucher

  "Trading is notoriously tough. But Altucher's new book adds a noteworthy addition to the library on Warren Buffett. He shows a lot of Buffett that isn't readily available in the existing common literature. Definitely required reading for any serious Buffett buff." -Kenneth L. Fisher, Forbes' «Portfolio Strategy» Columnist Founder and CEO, Fisher Investments «Finally, someone blows apart the myth that Warren Buffett is a buy-and-hold investor. Al
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 Автор: Johnathan Mun

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 Trade Like Jesse Livermore

 Автор: Richard Smitten

  The secret to Jesse Livermore's legendary trading success Although he began his career in 1892, Jesse Livermore is still considered to be one of the world's greatest traders. In life and in death, Livermore has always been a controversial figure and his methods held up as a model for traders of all generations. Through 45 years of trading and market observation, Jesse Livermore determined that stocks and stock markets move in a series of repetit

 Financial Risk Manager Handbook
 Financial Risk Manager Handbook

 Автор: Philippe Jorion

  An essential guide to financial risk management as well as the only way to ace the GARP FRM Exam The Financial Risk Management Exam (FRM Exam) was developed by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) as a means of establishing an industry standard of minimum professional competence in the field. It is given annually in November for risk professionals who want to earn FRM certification. Authored by renowned financial risk management g
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 Handbook of Alternate Assets

 Автор: Mark Anson J.P.

  The Definitive 4-in-1 Reference Guide to Alternative Assets Many books cover individual alternative asset classes, but none offers a comprehensive examination of the four major classes as presented in the Handbook of Alternative Assets. This complete handbook merges data and strategies scattered in numerous volumes into one handy guide for the serious investor. The four major classes discussed are: * Hedge funds * Commodity and managed futures *
 Trading Classic Chart Patterns
 Trading Classic Chart Patterns

 Автор: Thomas Bulkowski N.

  Use popular chart patterns profitably In his follow-up to the well-received Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns, Thomas Bulkowski gives traders a practical game plan to capitalize on established chart patterns. Written for the novice investor but with techniques for the professional, Trading Classic Chart Patterns includes easy-to-use performance tables, vivid case studies, and a scoring system that makes trading chart patterns simple. This comprehen
 Financial Risk Manager Handbook
 Financial Risk Manager Handbook

 Автор: Philippe Jorion

  The essential reference for financial risk management Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, the Financial Risk Manager Handbook is the core text for risk management training programs worldwide. Presented in a clear and consistent fashion, this completely updated Fifth Edition-which comes with an interactive CD-ROM containing hundreds of multiple-choice questions from previous FRM exams-is one of the best ways to prepare for the Fin
 Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts
 Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts

 Автор: Thomas Bulkowski N.

  Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick formations, from identification guidelines and statistical analysis of their behavior to detailed trading tactics. Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts also includes chapters that contain important discoveries and statistical summaries, as wel
 Treynor On Institutional Investing
 Treynor On Institutional Investing

 Автор: Jack Treynor L.

  Praise for TREYNOR ON INSTITUTIONAL INVESTING «Jack Treynor has a mind of his own. I mean that as the highest compliment. Jack Treynor sees what no one else sees, thinks what no one else thinks, explains what no one else explains. You will learn more in fifteen minutes with Jack Treynor than in a full hour with most pundits. You will work hard but you will see things, think things, and understand things as never before. This book is a most valua
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