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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 A Short Course in Technical Trading
 A Short Course in Technical Trading

 Автор: Perry Kaufman J.

  Learn to trade using technical analysis, market indicators, simple portfolio analysis, generally successful trading techniques, and common sense with this straightforward, accessible book. Essentially a course in making money, A Short Course in Technical Trading teaches proven long- and short-term trading techniques (with an emphasis on short-term), covering basic indicators and how you can best use them to your advantage. The book includes a tr
 Rattiner's Review for the CFP(R) Certification Examination, Fast Track Study Guide
 Rattiner's Review for the CFP(R) Certification Examination, Fast Track Study Guide

 Автор: Jeffrey Rattiner H.

  A CFP® Study Guide that delivers what you need to succeed! This quick study guide for candidates preparing to take the CFP® Certification Examination covers the bare-bones essentials needed to pass this challenging exam in a logical and easy-to-absorb manner. Covering some of the most important disciplines of financial planning– insurance, employee benefit, investment, income tax, retirement, estate, and general planning– this text provides a no
 Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio
 Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio

 Автор: Frank J. Fabozzi

  Praise for Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio «Crabbe and Fabozzi's Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio is a refreshingly good book on the neglected topic in fixed income portfolio management. If you want to understand the latest thinking in corporate bonds, what drives prices and why, read this book. You will emerge with knowledge that will help you get an edge in the competitive investing arena.» —Tim Opler, Director, Financial Strategy Group

 The Theory and Practice of Investment Management
 The Theory and Practice of Investment Management

 Автор: Frank J. Fabozzi

  Expert advice that applies the theory and practice of investment management to today's financial environment The changing nature and rapid growth of the investment management industry, along with new theoretical developments in the field of finance, have led to a need for higher quality investment management practices and better qualified professionals. The Theory and Practice of Investment Management recognizes these needs and addresses them wi
 Essentials of Foreign Exchange Trading
 Essentials of Foreign Exchange Trading

 Автор: James Chen

  This currency trading book provides readers with real, practical information on how to trade the foreign exchange market effectively. It begins by covering introductory information on the forex market, including basic trading mechanics and the benefits of forex trading, and then goes on to describe specific currency trading methods and skills in step-by-step detail. This includes highly practical information on technical and fundamental analysis
 Getting Started in Investment Analysis
 Getting Started in Investment Analysis

 Автор: Warren Brussee

  Getting Started in Investment Analysis is an approachable introduction to this important topic. It quickly teaches–you how to make overall judgments on investment data without having to do complicated statistical analysis. With this book as your guide, you'll discover how to choose stocks for savings and retirement, and learn–how to glean insights from investment data–by examining graphs and seeking correlations. For those looking to go a step f
 Getting Started in Candlestick Charting
 Getting Started in Candlestick Charting

 Автор: Tina Logan

  If you want to gain an edge in today’s competitive markets, adding the candlestick methodology to your repertoire of technical analysis skills is essential. Getting Started in Candlestick Charting can help you achieve this goal, whether you’re new to chart analysis or looking to enhance your understanding of the approach. This reliable resource covers thirty of the most widely recognized candlestick patterns and includes real-world charting exam
 The Handbook of Municipal Bonds
 The Handbook of Municipal Bonds

 Автор: Frank J. Fabozzi

  In The Handbook of Municipal Bonds, editors Sylvan Feldstein and Frank Fabozzi provide traders, bankers, and advisors—among other industry participants—with a well-rounded look at the industry of tax-exempt municipal bonds. Chapter by chapter, a diverse group of experienced contributors provide detailed explanations and a variety of relevant examples that illuminate essential elements of this area. With this book as your guide, you’ll quickly be
 The CRB Commodity Yearbook 2006 with CD-ROM
 The CRB Commodity Yearbook 2006 with CD-ROM

 Автор: Commodity Bureau Research

  Since 1939, traders, investors, analysts, portfolio managers, and speculators around the world have relied on the Commodity Research Bureau to help them navigate the uncertainties of the commodity markets. Covering everything from alcohol to zinc, The CRB Commodity Yearbook 2006 and The CRB Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Prices cover everything commodity market specialists need to know. Both of these exhaustive guides include companion
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