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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Study Guide for Entries and Exits, Study Guide. Visits to 16 Trading Rooms
 Study Guide for Entries and Exits, Study Guide. Visits to 16 Trading Rooms

 Автор: Alexander Elder

  These 101 questions, including twenty-five case studies, will challenge you to master the essential aspects of successful trading. Be sure to work through this companion volume to Entries & Exits: Visits to Sixteen Trading Rooms before you risk a dollar in the markets. Each of the seven chapters in this Study Guide for Entries & Exits—Organization, Psychology, Markets, Trading Tactics, Money Management & Record-Keeping, Case Studies, and Traders
 Enhanced Indexing Strategies. Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher Performance
 Enhanced Indexing Strategies. Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher Performance

 Автор: Tristan Yates

  Leveraged index investments, including index futures, options, and ETFs, are one of the fastest growing products in finance, as both retail and institutional investors are attracted to their long-term returns and capital efficiency. With Enhanced Indexing Strategies, author Tristan Yates reveals how you can create and build high-performance indexing strategies using derivatives that can potentially generate much higher returns than conventional
 Divorcing the Dow. Using Revolutionary Market Indicators to Profit from the Stealth Boom Ahead
 Divorcing the Dow. Using Revolutionary Market Indicators to Profit from the Stealth Boom Ahead

 Автор: Jim Troup

  An investment approach that unlocks the secret of market patterns Based on over forty years of combined author experience as portfolio managers and financial advisors, Divorcing the Dow presents a timely framework for understanding and investing in market cycles. Authors Jim Troup and Sharon Michalsky believe that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is no longer a relevant indicator of market performance; in fact, they feel that watching the Dow ma

 TrimTabs Investing. Using Liquidity Theory to Beat the Stock Market
 TrimTabs Investing. Using Liquidity Theory to Beat the Stock Market

 Автор: Charles Biderman

  Whether you are an investment professional managing billions of dollars or an individual investor with a small nest egg, TrimTabs Investing shows you how to beat the major stock market averages with less risk. This groundbreaking book begins by comparing the stock market to a casino in which the house (public companies and the insiders who run them) buys and sells shares with the players (institutional and individual investors). TrimTabs Investi
 Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence. Understanding the Risks
 Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence. Understanding the Risks

 Автор: Jason Scharfman A.

  How to diagnose and monitor key hedge fund operational risks With the various scandals taking place with hedge funds, now more than ever, both financial and operational risks must be examined. Revealing how to effectively detect and evaluate often-overlooked operational risk factors in hedge funds, such as multi-jurisdictional regulatory coordination, organizational nesting, and vaporware, Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence includes real-world
 The Mathematics of Derivatives. Tools for Designing Numerical Algorithms
 The Mathematics of Derivatives. Tools for Designing Numerical Algorithms

 Автор: Robert Navin L.

  Praise for The Mathematics of Derivatives «The Mathematics of Derivatives provides a concise pedagogical discussion of both fundamental and very recent developments in mathematical finance, and is particularly well suited for readers with a science or engineering background. It is written from the point of view of a physicist focused on providing an understanding of the methodology and the assumptions behind derivative pricing. Navin has a uniqu
 The Psychology of Trading. Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets
 The Psychology of Trading. Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets

 Автор: Brett Steenbarger N.

  "The one, only, and by far the best book synthesizing psychology and investing. In addition to providing modern, scientific knowledge about psychology, this book provides a mirror into the mind and wide breadth of knowledge of one of the leading practitioners of brief and effectual cures. Will help to cure your trading and your life." -Victor Niederhoffer, Chief Speculator, Manchester Investments Author, The Education of a Speculator and Practic
 The Business of Options. Time-Tested Principles and Practices
 The Business of Options. Time-Tested Principles and Practices

 Автор: Martin O'Connell P.

  The Business of Options shows how to conduct a professional options business. While it addresses the principles and practices of option trading and hedging in great detail, the book is the first to do so from a management perspective. O'Connell's extensive experience in option trading, training, and consulting enables the book to offer a unique combination of sophistication, clarity and insight. Most option books that are written for professiona
 Inside Volatility Arbitrage. The Secrets of Skewness
 Inside Volatility Arbitrage. The Secrets of Skewness

 Автор: Alireza Javaheri

  Today?s traders want to know when volatility is a sign that the sky is falling (and they should stay out of the market), and when it is a sign of a possible trading opportunity. Inside Volatility Arbitrage can help them do this. Author and financial expert Alireza Javaheri uses the classic approach to evaluating volatility – time series and financial econometrics – in a way that he believes is superior to methods presently used by market partici
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