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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 How I Became a Quant. Insights from 25 of Wall Street's Elite
 How I Became a Quant. Insights from 25 of Wall Street's Elite

 Автор: Barry Schachter

  Praise for How I Became a Quant «Led by two top-notch quants, Richard R. Lindsey and Barry Schachter, How I Became a Quant details the quirky world of quantitative analysis through stories told by some of today's most successful quants. For anyone who might have thought otherwise, there are engaging personalities behind all that number crunching!» –Ira Kawaller, Kawaller & Co. and the Kawaller Fund «A fun and fascinating read. This book tells th
 Create Your Own Hedge Fund. Increase Profits and Reduce Risks with ETFs and Options
 Create Your Own Hedge Fund. Increase Profits and Reduce Risks with ETFs and Options

 Автор: Mark Wolfinger D.

  Discover a practical trading strategy that combines options and ETFs. Create Your Own Hedge Fund explains how exchange-traded funds can be used in conjunction with an options strategy to attain steady growth. Beginning with a tutorial on options and ETFs, the book goes on to describe both investment approaches in great detail providing you with a trading strategy that generates higher returns than buy-and-hold investing – and allows you to reduc
 Chain of Blame. How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis
 Chain of Blame. How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis

 Автор: Paul Muolo

  An updated and revised look at the truth behind America's housing and mortgage bubbles In the summer of 2007, the subprime empire that Wall Street had built all came crashing down. On average, fifty lenders a month were going bust-and the people responsible for the crisis included not just unregulated loan brokers and con artists, but also investment bankers and home loan institutions traditionally perceived as completely trustworthy. Chain of B

 Commodity Fundamentals. How To Trade the Precious Metals, Energy, Grain, and Tropical Commodity Markets
 Commodity Fundamentals. How To Trade the Precious Metals, Energy, Grain, and Tropical Commodity Markets

 Автор: Ronald Spurga C.

  Praise for Commodity Fundamentals «Commodity Fundamentals is THE book for investors looking to enter the commodity markets. This informative guide is a welcome addition on the subject and is a must-read for commodity investors.» -Jim Atkinson, President, Guinness Atkinson Funds «Ronald Spurga's Commodity Fundamentals is an illuminating and very useful guide for the subject. A welcome addition to any business library.» -Robert F. Himmelberg, PhD,
 The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management. How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge Fund
 The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management. How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge Fund

 Автор: Daniel Strachman A.

  The tools and techniques needed to successfully launch and maintain a hedge fund In The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management, both budding and established hedge fund managers will learn the fundamentals of building and maintaining a successful hedge fund business. Strachman presents the facts in an accessible and easy-to-use format that will empower readers to create a lasting fund that provides significant income for years to come. The Fundame
 Financial Services without Borders. How to Succeed in Professional Financial Services
 Financial Services without Borders. How to Succeed in Professional Financial Services

 Автор: Greenwich Associates

  Lessons from the leading financial consulting firm What is good financial service? Being knowledgeable. Keeping in touch. Knowing your client's needs. For the past twenty-five years, senior executives of professional financial services firms have relied on the experience of Greenwich Associates in establishing their strategy to attract and keep a committed client base-the core of financial services consulting. Based on work they have done at vir
 The Visual Investor. How to Spot Market Trends
 The Visual Investor. How to Spot Market Trends

 Автор: John Murphy J.

  The Visual Investor, Second Edition breaks down technical analysis into terms that are accessible to even individual investors. Aimed at the typical investor–such as the average CNBC viewer–this book shows investors how to follow the ups and downs of stock prices by visually comparing the charts, without using formulas or having a necessarily advanced understanding of technical analysis math and jargon. Murphy covers all the fundamentals, from c
 Precious Metals Trading. How To Profit from Major Market Moves
 Precious Metals Trading. How To Profit from Major Market Moves

 Автор: Philip Gotthelf

  A detailed look at how to profit in the precious metals market Today, gold, silver, platinum, and palladium offer a new and different profit potential for those who understand the impact of new technologies, new economic forces, and new demographics. Updated to reflect changes in this market since the mid-1990s, The Precious Metals Trader focuses on new developments that could translate into serious profit-making trends-from electrically-generat
 Six Sizzling Markets. How to Profit from Investing in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Korea, and Mexico
 Six Sizzling Markets. How to Profit from Investing in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Korea, and Mexico

 Автор: Pran Tiku

  In Six Sizzling Markets, seasoned financial veteran Pran Tiku lays out a detailed and balanced case for investing in the emerging economics of Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC), South Korea, and Mexico. Along the way, he analyzes each nation’s investment opportunities on the basis of eight tenets and takes a detailed look at the most lucrative industries within those countries. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Six Sizzling Mark
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