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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Advisor for Life. Become the Indispensable Financial Advisor to Affluent Families
 Advisor for Life. Become the Indispensable Financial Advisor to Affluent Families

 Автор: Stephen Gresham D.

  "The Age Wave of retiring baby boomers is creating a seismic bonanza for financial advisors–if they can provide the kinds of creative and flexible strategies their clients will be wanting and needing. Steve Gresham provides the solid, imaginative, yet practical guidance needed to build winning strategies to meet the needs of a new generation of investors. I have long respected his work and heartily recommend this book." –Ken Dychtwald, PhD, foun
 Operational Risk with Excel and VBA. Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management, + Website
 Operational Risk with Excel and VBA. Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management, + Website

 Автор: Nigel Lewis DaCosta

  A valuable reference for understanding operational risk Operational Risk with Excel and VBA is a practical guide that only discusses statistical methods that have been shown to work in an operational risk management context. It brings together a wide variety of statistical methods and models that have proven their worth, and contains a concise treatment of the topic. This book provides readers with clear explanations, relevant information, and c
 Strategic Corporate Finance. Applications in Valuation and Capital Structure
 Strategic Corporate Finance. Applications in Valuation and Capital Structure

 Автор: Justin Pettit

  Essential guidance for the corporate finance professional – advisor, Board Director, CFO, Treasurer, business development executive, or M&A expert—to ask the right questions and make the critical decisions. Strategic Corporate Finance is a practical guide to the key issues, their context, and their solutions. From performance measurement and capital planning to risk management and capital structure, Strategic Corporate Finance, translates princi

 Quantitative Methods in Derivatives Pricing. An Introduction to Computational Finance
 Quantitative Methods in Derivatives Pricing. An Introduction to Computational Finance

 Автор: Domingo Tavella

  This book presents a cogent description of the main methodologies used in derivatives pricing. Starting with a summary of the elements of Stochastic Calculus, Quantitative Methods in Derivatives Pricing develops the fundamental tools of financial engineering, such as scenario generation, simulation for European instruments, simulation for American instruments, and finite differences in an intuitive and practical manner, with an abundance of prac
 Warren Buffett. An Illustrated Biography of the World's Most Successful Investor
 Warren Buffett. An Illustrated Biography of the World's Most Successful Investor

 Автор: Ayano Morio

  "Buffett has generously endowed us all with a sensible and intelligent roadmap for investing." —Robert G Hagstrom «Warren Buffett – The Oracle of Everything. He has been right about the stock market, rotten accounting, CEO greed, and corporate governance. The rest of us are just catching on.» —Fortune «Warren Buffett has turned value investing into an art form, piling up the world's second largest individual fortune and persuading millions to mi
 When Giants Fall. An Economic Roadmap for the End of the American Era
 When Giants Fall. An Economic Roadmap for the End of the American Era

 Автор: Michael Panzner

  In When Giants Fall, Panzner makes his case for the turbulent economic changes that will be occurring over the next few years and examines the resulting economic opportunities. According to Panzner, the economic changes will be widespread. Businesses will struggle amid wars, shortages, logistical disruptions, and a breakdown of the established monetary order. Individuals will be forced to rethink livelihoods, lifestyles, living arrangements, and
 Candlesticks, Fibonacci, and Chart Pattern Trading Tools. A Synergistic Strategy to Enhance Profits and Reduce Risk
 Candlesticks, Fibonacci, and Chart Pattern Trading Tools. A Synergistic Strategy to Enhance Profits and Reduce Risk

 Автор: Robert Fischer

  An in-depth examination of a powerful new trading strategy «Fischer provides an intriguing and thorough look at blending the Fibonacci series, candlesticks, and 3-point chart patterns to trade securities. Backed by explicit trading rules and numerous examples and illustrations, this book is an invaluable tool for the serious investor. Read it.» –Thomas N. Bulkowski author of Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns and Trading Classic Chart Patterns In th
 Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options
 Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options

 Автор: Andrew M. Chisholm

  The book is a step-by-step guide to derivative products. By distilling the complex mathematics and theory that underlie the subject, Chisholm explains derivative products in straightforward terms, focusing on applications and intuitive explanations wherever possible. Case studies and examples of how the products are used to solve real-world problems, as well as an extensive glossary and material on the latest derivative products make this book a
 Smart Trading Plans. A Step-by-step guide to developing a business plan for trading the markets
 Smart Trading Plans. A Step-by-step guide to developing a business plan for trading the markets

 Автор: Eva Diaz

  Trading is a business and, and as with any business, those businesses who survive and thrive have a business plan in place. Smart Trading Plans guides readers through defining and documenting a trading plan which applies to their individual trading business. Smart Action Steps and example plan elements are included to guide readers through and illustrate the process of developing a plan. Smart Trading Plans guides readers through the following:
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