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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Future of Hedge Fund Investing. A Regulatory and Structural Solution for a Fallen Industry
 The Future of Hedge Fund Investing. A Regulatory and Structural Solution for a Fallen Industry

 Автор: Monty Agarwal

  A detailed look at how to fix the hedge fund industry The Future of Hedge Fund Investing spells out in refreshingly stark terms exactly how the industry let down its clients, and the changes needed to restore their confidence. Written by Monty Agarwal, the founder of Predator Capital Management, this insider's guide gives a full assessment of the business, including the advantages of hedge funds, their pitfalls, and, most importantly, how to avo
 How to Create and Manage a Hedge Fund. A Professional's Guide
 How to Create and Manage a Hedge Fund. A Professional's Guide

 Автор: Stuart McCrary A.

  Includes trading examples that illustrate points about risk management and leverage. Presents all the practical knowledge necessary to run a leveraged investment company. Non-technical explanations brings an element of transparency to a part of the investment world often thought of as difficult to understand.
 Interest Rate Swaps and Their Derivatives. A Practitioner's Guide
 Interest Rate Swaps and Their Derivatives. A Practitioner's Guide

 Автор: Amir Sadr

  An up-to-date look at the evolution of interest rate swaps and derivatives Interest Rate Swaps and Derivatives bridges the gap between the theory of these instruments and their actual use in day-to-day life. This comprehensive guide covers the main «rates» products, including swaps, options (cap/floors, swaptions), CMS products, and Bermudan callables. It also covers the main valuation techniques for the exotics/structured-notes area, which rema

 The Volatility Surface. A Practitioner's Guide
 The Volatility Surface. A Practitioner's Guide

 Автор: Jim Gatheral

  Praise for The Volatility Surface «I'm thrilled by the appearance of Jim Gatheral's new book The Volatility Surface. The literature on stochastic volatility is vast, but difficult to penetrate and use. Gatheral's book, by contrast, is accessible and practical. It successfully charts a middle ground between specific examples and general models–achieving remarkable clarity without giving up sophistication, depth, or breadth.» –Robert V. Kohn, Prof
 Foreign Exchange. A Practical Guide to the FX Markets
 Foreign Exchange. A Practical Guide to the FX Markets

 Автор: Tim Weithers

  Praise for Foreign Exchange «Tim Weithers starts by telling the reader that foreign exchange is not difficult, just confusing, but Foreign Exchange: A Practical Guide to the FX Markets proves that money is much more exciting than anything it buys. This useful book is a whirlwind tour of the world's largest market, and the tour guide is an expert storyteller, inserting numerous fascinating insights and quirky facts throughout the book.» -John R.
 Compelling Returns. A Practical Guide to Socially Responsible Investing
 Compelling Returns. A Practical Guide to Socially Responsible Investing

 Автор: Scott Budde J.

  Achieve competitive financial returns and make a difference at the same time by applying the information in Compelling Returns: A Practical Guide to Socially Responsible Investing, a well-rounded guide to socially responsible investing (SRI). Understand the basics of SRI and discover how you can align your values with your investments by choosing from three basic strategies. Learn to implement these strategies in your investment portfolios and c
 Sectors and Styles. A New Approach to Outperforming the Market
 Sectors and Styles. A New Approach to Outperforming the Market

 Автор: Vincent Catalano

  Discover a proven method for making better investment choices The actions of politicians, regulators, and economic policy makers have an enormous impact on the financial markets. In Sectors and Styles, author Vincent Catalano offers an investment technique that takes these factors into account. He illustrates how you should index a portion of your stock portfolio to the market, while investing another portion in industry sectors that are likely
 Environmental Finance. A Guide to Environmental Risk Assessment and Financial Products
 Environmental Finance. A Guide to Environmental Risk Assessment and Financial Products

 Автор: Sonia Labatt

  An engaging and comprehensive look at the intersection of financial innovation and the environment This unique book provides readers with a comprehensive look at the new markets being created to help companies manage environmental risks, including weather derivatives, catastrophe bonds, and emission trading permits. Filled with real-world case studies and timely advice, Environmental Finance contains corporate strategies that financial service p
 Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel. A Guide for Business Professionals
 Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel. A Guide for Business Professionals

 Автор: K. Proctor Scott

  A comprehensive guide to building financial models Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel + CD-ROM provides beginning or intermediate level computer users with step-by-step instructions on building financial models using Microsoft Excel-the most popular spreadsheet program available. The accompanying CD-ROM contains Excel worksheets that track the course of the book and allow readers to build their own financial models. This comprehensiv
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