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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Professional Automated Trading. Theory and Practice
 Professional Automated Trading. Theory and Practice

 Автор: Eugene Durenard A.

  An insider's view of how to develop and operate an automated proprietary trading network Reflecting author Eugene Durenard's extensive experience in this field, Professional Automated Trading offers valuable insights you won't find anywhere else. It reveals how a series of concepts and techniques coming from current research in artificial life and modern control theory can be applied to the design of effective trading systems that outperform the
 Property Rich. Secure Your Financial Freedom
 Property Rich. Secure Your Financial Freedom

 Автор: Melissa Opie

  Want to buy 10 properties in 10 years, and still have money in your pocket? It’s possible. Property Rich will show you how. Authors Melissa Opie and Stephen Zamykal guide you on your investment journey by combining a revolutionary approach to loan structuring that the bank won’t tell you about – the Kitty Loan System – with expert advice on property investing. Property Rich will help you: Structure your loans so you can quickly build a multi-pro
 Water Finance. Public Responsibilities and Private Opportunities
 Water Finance. Public Responsibilities and Private Opportunities

 Автор: Neil Grigg S.

  A detailed look at the water industry and the trends that can lead to investment opportunities Water has quickly grown into a big global business, with annual revenues in the United States alone reaching over $200 billion. In the years ahead, companies as well as governments must find innovative ways to address important issues within this field without sacrificing basic needs, such as safety of drinking water or the reliability of water for ene

 Alpha Trading. Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk
 Alpha Trading. Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk

 Автор: Perry Kaufman J.

  From a leading trading systems developer, how to make profitable trades when there are no obvious trends How does a trader find alpha when markets make no sense, when price shocks cause diversification to fail, and when it seems impossible to hedge? What strategies should traders, long conditioned to trend trading, deploy? In Alpha Trading: Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk, author Perry Kaufman presents strategies and systems f
 Billion Dollar Green. Profit from the Eco Revolution
 Billion Dollar Green. Profit from the Eco Revolution

 Автор: Tobin Smith

  Most Americans have no clue how quickly our internal supplies are crumbling. Tobin Smith will give you the facts and forecasts on growth in the «green investing front» and let you see for yourself just how large this opportunity is – right now and for years to come. This is the fastest growing sector – 13-fold over the next decade! Clean UP will show you how to make a small fortune now from «bridge green technologies,» closing the gap between tr
 Mortgage-Backed Securities. Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques
 Mortgage-Backed Securities. Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques

 Автор: Frank J. Fabozzi

  An up-to-date look at the latest innovations in mortgage-backed securities Since the last edition of Mortgage-Backed Securities was published over three years ago, much has changed in the structured credit market. Frank Fabozzi, Anand Bhattacharya, and William Berliner all have many years of experience working in the fixed-income securitization markets, and have witnessed many cycles of change in the mortgage and MBS sectors. And now, with the S
 Trading Weekly Options. Pricing Characteristics and Short-Term Trading Strategies
 Trading Weekly Options. Pricing Characteristics and Short-Term Trading Strategies

 Автор: Russell Rhoads

  A comprehensive resource for understanding and trading weekly options Weekly options are traded on all major indices, as well as high volume stocks and ETFs. They continue to surge in popularity, accounting for as much as twenty percent of daily options volume. And while existing options strategy can be used with weeklys, they are particularly conducive to premium selling strategies and short-term trades based on a news item or technical pattern
 Someday Rich. Planning for Sustainable Tomorrows Today
 Someday Rich. Planning for Sustainable Tomorrows Today

 Автор: Matt Smith

  To truly be successful, today’s financial advisor must strike the right balance between effectively engaging with his or her clients and finding meaningful ways to maintain their financial security. By framing your mission in this way, you can help your clients clarify their vision, build a plan to achieve it, and manage that plan so they stay on track. Nobody understands this better than authors Timothy Noonan and Matt Smith—two seasoned financ
 Trading in a Nutshell. Planning for Consistently Profitable Trading
 Trading in a Nutshell. Planning for Consistently Profitable Trading

 Автор: Stuart McPhee

  The ultimate guide for those starting out in trading—now better than ever! Illustrated with plenty of trading examples, sample trading plans, timely charts, tables and figures and insights from market experts from around the globe, Trading in a Nutshell, 4th Edition sets readers on the path to profitable trading. This updated and expanded edition of Stuart McPhee's bestseller is the perfect guide for anyone starting out in trading, and an excell
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