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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Brave New World Economy. Global Finance Threatens Our Future
 Brave New World Economy. Global Finance Threatens Our Future

 Автор: Wilhelm Hankel

  An engaging look at the road to a sustained economic recovery The global finance system can be regulated to prevent massive credit fraud, tame capitalism, confront the sovereign debt crisis, and move towards investing in the real economy and full employment. «Obamanomics», and American reinvention can lead to a sustained economic recovery but only together with major domestic, European, and global monetary reforms in cooperation with emerging na
 Trading ETFs. Gaining an Edge with Technical Analysis
 Trading ETFs. Gaining an Edge with Technical Analysis

 Автор: Deron Wagner

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 Автор: Robert Kolb W.

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 Trading Psychology 2.0. From Best Practices to Best Processes
 Trading Psychology 2.0. From Best Practices to Best Processes

 Автор: Brett Steenbarger N.

  Practical trading psychology insight that can be put to work today Trading Psychology 2.0 is a comprehensive guide to applying the science of psychology to the art of trading. Veteran trading psychologist and bestselling author Brett Steenbarger offers critical advice and proven techniques to help interested traders better understand the markets, with practical takeaways that can be implemented immediately. Academic research is presented in an a
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 Автор: Philippe Jorion

  The essential reference for financial risk management Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, the Financial Risk Manager Handbook is the core text for risk management training programs worldwide. Presented in a clear and consistent fashion, this completely updated Sixth Edition, mirrors recent updates to the new two-level Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam, and is fully supported by GARP as the trusted way to prepare for the rigorous
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 Capital Budgeting Valuation. Financial Analysis for Today's Investment Projects

 Автор: Philip English

  An essential guide to valuation techniques and financial analysis With the collapse of the economy and financial systems, many institutions are reevaluating what they are willing to spend money on. Project valuation is key to both cost effectiveness measures and shareholder value. The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive examination of critical capital budgeting topics. Coverage extends from discussing basic concepts, principles, a
 Capital Structure Decisions. Evaluating Risk and Uncertainty
 Capital Structure Decisions. Evaluating Risk and Uncertainty

 Автор: Yamini Agarwal

  Inside the risk management and corporate governance issues behind capital structure decisions Practical ways of determining capital structures have always been mysterious and riddled with risks and uncertainties. Dynamic paradigm shifts and the multi-dimensional operations of firms further complicate the situation. Financial leaders are under constant pressure to outdo their competitors, but how to do so is not always clear. Capital Structure De
 Securities Fraud. Detection, Prevention and Control
 Securities Fraud. Detection, Prevention and Control

 Автор: Louis Straney L.

  The first complete, expert guide to securities and investment fraud Filled with expert guidance for detection and prevention of all kinds of securities fraud and investment misconduct, Securities Fraud helps you identify red flags of fraud and offers practical ways to detect and prevent it. Written by a Wall Street professional with three decades of experience spanning the most critical period of our financial markets This book challenges classi
 Asian Financial Statement Analysis. Detecting Financial Irregularities
 Asian Financial Statement Analysis. Detecting Financial Irregularities

 Автор: ChinHwee Tan

  Gain a deeper understanding of Asian financial reporting and how to detect irregularities The Asian region, and particularly China, is becoming a hotbed of investment activity. There have been quite a few accounting scandals in Asia in the recent years – now rivaling those we have seen in the Americas and Europe. Assessing potential or active overseas investments requires reliance on financial statements, the full parameters of which may vary fr
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