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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Daily Trading Coach. 101 Lessons for Becoming Your Own Trading Psychologist
 The Daily Trading Coach. 101 Lessons for Becoming Your Own Trading Psychologist

 Автор: Brett Steenbarger N.

  Praise for The Daily Trading Coach «A great book! Simply written, motivational with unique content that leads any trader, novice or experienced, along the path of self-coaching. This is by far Dr. Steenbarger's best book and a must-have addition to any trader's bookshelf. I'll certainly be recommending it to all my friends.» —Ray BarrosCEO, Ray Barros Trading Group «Dr. Steenbarger has been helping traders help themselves for many years. Simply
 Mastering the Art of Equity Trading Through Simulation, + Web-Based Software. The TraderEx Course
 Mastering the Art of Equity Trading Through Simulation, + Web-Based Software. The TraderEx Course

 Автор: Robert Schwartz A.

  An interactive guide to successfully trading in today's markets Mastering the Art of Equity Trading Through Simulation is a guidebook to interactive computer trading simulation designed to provide participants with hands-on experience in making tactical decisions and implementing them in different market environments-from continuous order drive markets to call auction markets, and from dealer markets to dark liquidity pools. By showing traders h
 Business Exit Planning. Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners
 Business Exit Planning. Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners

 Автор: Les Nemethy

  The most viable exit strategies for owners of mid-sized companies For many business owners, cashing out of a business is a lifelong dream. For some, exiting a business can be a nightmare. Business Exit Planning: Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners provides a comprehensive view of what every business owner needs to know to plan and execute a business exit. The book Includes 30 relevant mini-case studies on b

 Volatility Trading
 Volatility Trading

 Автор: Euan Sinclair

  Popular guide to options pricing and position sizing for quant traders In this second edition of this bestselling book, Sinclair offers a quantitative model for measuring volatility in order to gain an edge in everyday option trading endeavors. With an accessible, straightforward approach, he guides traders through the basics of option pricing, volatility measurement, hedging, money management, and trade evaluation. This new edition includes new
 Trade My Way
 Trade My Way

 Автор: Alan Hull

  Markets trend: up, down and sideways. Stocks never stand still. Knowing this, how can you consistently profit from the Australian stock market? In Trade My Way, best-selling author and sharemarket expert Alan Hull reveals his two short-term trading strategies—active trading and breakout trading. These tried-and-tested strategies will help you turn a profit no matter which way the stock market is trending. Written in easy-to-understand, engaging
 Trend Trading For Dummies
 Trend Trading For Dummies

 Автор: Barry Burns

  Trend trading lets the market do the work for you Is your portfolio doing all it should? Are you looking for a market-focused way to increase returns? Try your hand at trend trading. Instead of analyzing the performance of a company, analyze the performance of the market as a whole. When you spot a trend, jump on it and let it ride until it's time to move. Whether your strategy is short-term, intermediate-term, or long-term, trend trading can he
 Risk Management in Banking
 Risk Management in Banking

 Автор: Joel Bessis

  The seminal guide to risk management, streamlined and updated Risk Management in Banking is a comprehensive reference for the risk management industry, covering all aspects of the field. Now in its fourth edition, this useful guide has been updated with the latest information on ALM, Basel 3, derivatives, liquidity analysis, market risk, structured products, credit risk, securitizations, and more. The new companion website features slides, worke
 International Finance For Dummies
 International Finance For Dummies

 Автор: Ayse Evrensel

  Want to get the most out of your International Finance course? Nowadays the value of daily foreign exchange trading is more than one hundred times the value of annual international trade in goods and services. As result of the great importance of international financial transactions, the subject of international finance continues to develop as fast as—or faster than—any other field in economics and finance. International Finance For Dummies shed
 Visual Guide to ETFs
 Visual Guide to ETFs

 Автор: David Abner J.

  A visual guide to one of the fastest growing areas in trading and speculation An Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)—a security that tracks an index, a commodity, or a basket of assets like an index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange—offers diversification of an index fund, as well as the ability to sell short, buy on margin, and purchase as little as one share. Giving financial advisors, institutional asset managers, traders, and other investm
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