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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds
 The Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds

 Автор: SIFMA

  The definitive new edition of the most trusted book on municipal bonds As of the end of 1998, municipal bonds, issued by state or local governments to finance public works programs, such as the building of schools, streets, and electrical grids, totaled almost $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt, a number that has only increased over time. The market for these bonds is comprised of many types of professionals—investment bankers, underwriters, trad
 Fisher Investments on Health Care
 Fisher Investments on Health Care

 Автор: Michael Kelly

  The Fisher Investments On series is designed to provide individual investors, students, and aspiring investment professionals the tools necessary to understand and analyze investment opportunities—primarily for investing in global stocks. Each guide is an easily accessible primer to economic sectors, regions, or other components of the global stock market. While this guide is specifically on Health Care, the basic investment methodology is appli
 Fisher Investments on Consumer Discretionary
 Fisher Investments on Consumer Discretionary

 Автор: Erik Renaud

  This installment of the Fisher Investments On series is a comprehensive guide to the Consumer Discretionary industry—which includes companies such as auto manufacturers, homebuilders, sports equipment manufacturers, hotel developers and operators, cruise lines, retail websites, and department stores, to name just a few. This reliable guide can help you in making top-down investment decisions specifically for the Consumer Discretionary sector. It

 Essentials of Working Capital Management
 Essentials of Working Capital Management

 Автор: James Sagner

  A comprehensive primer for executives and managers on working capital management With limited access to credit and short term funding, it is increasingly important that companies focus on working capital management to free up funds and optimize liqidity. Written in the easy-to-follow Essentials Series style, Essentials of Working Capital Management covers the main components of working capital. Covers the latest trends around working capital Dis
 Bond Evaluation, Selection, and Management
 Bond Evaluation, Selection, and Management

 Автор: R. Johnson Stafford

  A fully revised guide to fixed income securities that reflects current market conditions The Second Edition of Bond Evaluation, Selection, and Management combines fundamental and advanced topics in the field, offering comprehensive coverage of bond and debt management. This fully updated and revised edition provides you with the basics needed to understand various strategies, and explanations of cutting edge advanced topics. Focusing on essentia
 The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual
 The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual

 Автор: Gary Gastineau L.

  Full coverage of ETF investments from an expert in the field The initial edition of Gary Gastineau's The Exchange-Traded Fund Manual was one of the first books to describe and analyze ETFs. It made the case for the superiority of the structure of investor-friendly ETFs over mutual funds and helped investors select better funds among the ETFs available. With this new edition, Gastineau provides comprehensive information on the latest developments
 The Hedge Fund Fraud Casebook
 The Hedge Fund Fraud Casebook

 Автор: Bruce Johnson

  An in-depth, well-researched look at 100 hedge fund frauds Compared to mutual funds, hedge funds are the James Bonds of the marketplace. They have been relatively unfettered by government regulation, and they play bigger games, take bigger risks, use unorthodox methods, and have the power to capture the public imagination in a way that their lesser counterparts have difficulty approaching. At once fascinating and startling, The Hedge Fund Fraud
 Fisher Investments on Emerging Markets
 Fisher Investments on Emerging Markets

 Автор: Fisher Investments

  The fifth installment of the Fisher Investments On series is a comprehensive guide to understanding and analyzing investment opportunities within emerging markets. Growing in relative importance in recent years, emerging markets offer dynamic and unique opportunities. Fisher Investments on Emerging Markets can benefit both new and seasoned investors, covering everything from regional basics to country-specific insights to practical investing tac
 Profiting from Hedge Funds. Winning Strategies for the Little Guy
 Profiting from Hedge Funds. Winning Strategies for the Little Guy

 Автор: John Vincent Konnayil

  Learn to apply the strategies of top hedge fund managers to your personal investment portfolio The most successful hedge fund managers and superstar investors outperform the markets impressively, while most fund managers—and individual investors as well—usually underperform the market averages. Based on the figures released by the Edgar System each quarter, this book analyzes the performance of hedge fund managers controlling at least $100 milli
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