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 Финансовый менеджмент
 Fraud in the Markets. Why It Happens and How to Fight It
 Fraud in the Markets. Why It Happens and How to Fight It

 Автор: Peter Goldmann

  A dramatic look at fraud's role in our financial markets-and how you can protect yourself Fraud In the Markets reveals the critical role fraud played in the global financial crisis-even as many of the perpetrators continue to go unpunished. Shedding light on the reckless conduct of the former senior executives at major Wall Street firms such as Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and others just before their collapse, this timely book s
 Invest in Europe Now!. Why Europe's Markets Will Outperform the US in the Coming Years
 Invest in Europe Now!. Why Europe's Markets Will Outperform the US in the Coming Years

 Автор: Vincenzo Sciarretta

  An insider's guide to investing in Europe With the U.S. market in shambles, investors are looking for other places to put their money. Europe has become the destination of choice, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Using the different perspectives of an author who lives in Europe and an author who lives in the United States, Invest in Europe Now! is one the most informative guides to making money outside North America. It outlin
 It's Not as Bad as You Think. Why Capitalism Trumps Fear and the Economy Will Thrive
 It's Not as Bad as You Think. Why Capitalism Trumps Fear and the Economy Will Thrive

 Автор: Amity Shlaes

  An upbeat antidote to the gloom and doom forecasts of the financial future Just about everyone is worried about the economy and markets. And the fear is that they will stay down for a long time. But a few brave voices say that the gloom and doom forecasts are just too pessimistic. Reality is that entrepreneurs don't give up. History is pretty clear, every time the economy is thought to be done, worn out, finished, it bounces back and heads to ne

 The Man in the Arena. Vanguard Founder John C. Bogle and His Lifelong Battle to Serve Investors First
 The Man in the Arena. Vanguard Founder John C. Bogle and His Lifelong Battle to Serve Investors First

 Автор: Knut Rostad A.

  The importance of the life's work of mutual fund pioneer and investing legend John C. Bogle The Man in the Arena offers the essence of John C. Bogle's thinking and the meaning of his life's work, which transformed individual investing to benefit tens of millions of investors. Through Bogle's own words—as well as the voices of others whose hearts and minds he touched—the book touches on topics he cares about most deeply: Vanguard, indexing, corpo
 Investor's Passport to Hedge Fund Profits. Unique Investment Strategies for Today's Global Capital Markets
 Investor's Passport to Hedge Fund Profits. Unique Investment Strategies for Today's Global Capital Markets

 Автор: Sean Casterline D.

  A comprehensive guide to international investing Opportunities to tap into foreign markets and, in turn, entirely new investment universes-that have traditionally been accessible only to hedge fund managers-are at hand, and this book offers you the straight story on how to look abroad for the next addition to your portfolio. Throughout these pages, the authors skillfully demonstrate how active, cutting-edge trading strategies used in domestic ma
 Family Enterprise. Understanding Families in Business and Families of Wealth, + Online Assessment Tool
 Family Enterprise. Understanding Families in Business and Families of Wealth, + Online Assessment Tool

 Автор: The Family Firm Institute

  A thorough explanation of how family enterprises work The family enterprise, whether an operating business, a family office, or both, is the backbone of the US and international economies. These enterprises cut across industries and geographies and can be first-generation entrepreneurial companies or multi-generational businesses with family offices. This book offers a foundation in and understanding of how family enterprises work, including wor
 The Handbook of Equity Market Anomalies. Translating Market Inefficiencies into Effective Investment Strategies
 The Handbook of Equity Market Anomalies. Translating Market Inefficiencies into Effective Investment Strategies

 Автор: Leonard Zacks

  Investment pioneer Len Zacks presents the latest academic research on how to beat the market using equity anomalies The Handbook of Equity Market Anomalies organizes and summarizes research carried out by hundreds of finance and accounting professors over the last twenty years to identify and measure equity market inefficiencies and provides self-directed individual investors with a framework for incorporating the results of this research into t
 Credit Derivatives. Trading, Investing,and Risk Management
 Credit Derivatives. Trading, Investing,and Risk Management

 Автор: Geoff Chaplin

  The credit derivatives industry has come under close scrutiny over the past few years, with the recent financial crisis highlighting the instability of a number of credit structures and throwing the industry into turmoil. What has been made clear by recent events is the necessity for a thorough understanding of credit derivatives by all parties involved in a transaction, especially traders, structurers, quants and investors. Fully revised and up
 The Part-Time Trader. Trading Stock as a Part-Time Venture, + Website
 The Part-Time Trader. Trading Stock as a Part-Time Venture, + Website

 Автор: Ryan Mallory

  Practical advice and easy-to-follow guidelines for part-time stock traders Millions of people trade stocks in their spare time, supplementing their nine-to-five income with extra profits on the market. And while there are plenty of books on the market that cater to the needs of full-time traders, there are precious few that focus on the trading strategies that are best suited for part-time traders who must balance the demands of other responsibi
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