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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Complete Book of Option Spreads and Combinations. Strategies for Income Generation, Directional Moves, and Risk Reduction
 The Complete Book of Option Spreads and Combinations. Strategies for Income Generation, Directional Moves, and Risk Reduction

 Автор: Scott Nations

  Get a handle on option spreads to hike profit and squash loss The Complete Book of Option Spreads and Combinations is the definitive educational resource and reference guide for using option spreads and other common sense option strategies. This useful guide shows readers how to select the right strategy for their market outlook and risk/reward comfort level by describing the inner workings of each strategy and how they are affected by underlyin
 Economic Warfare. Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics
 Economic Warfare. Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics

 Автор: Herman Cain

  New insights for investors and business people looking to create wealth in the turbulent post-crisis world In a no holds barred expose of the 2008 financial meltdown from the inside, Ziad K. Abdelnour argues that the political and financial elites have done nothing to fix the structural problems and instead have worsened the situation. By creating more market bubbles, they are actually waging a war on the most productive members of society. For
 Sustainable Investing for Institutional Investors. Risks, Regulations and Strategies
 Sustainable Investing for Institutional Investors. Risks, Regulations and Strategies

 Автор: Mirjam Staub-Bisang

  A comprehensive guide to socially responsible investing (SRI) With concerns about climate change increasing among investors, many are looking for opportunities that offer positive social as well as monetary returns. Sustainable Investing for Institutional Investors: Risk, Regulation and Strategies explores the key issues related to «Socially Responsible Investment» (SRI) for institutional investors and trustees, including investment strategies,

 Don't Count on It!. Reflections on Investment Illusions, Capitalism, "Mutual" Funds, Indexing, Entrepreneurship, Idealism, and Heroes
 Don't Count on It!. Reflections on Investment Illusions, Capitalism, "Mutual" Funds, Indexing, Entrepreneurship, Idealism, and Heroes

 Автор: John C. Bogle

  Praise for Don't Count On It! «This collection of Jack Bogle's writings couldn't be more timely. The clarity of his thinking—and his insistence on the relevance of ethical standards—are totally relevant as we strive to rebuild a broken financial system. For too many years, his strong voice has been lost amid the cacophony of competing self-interests, misdirected complexity, and unbounded greed. Read, learn, and support Jack's mission to reform t
 The New Gold Standard. Rediscovering the Power of Gold to Protect and Grow Wealth
 The New Gold Standard. Rediscovering the Power of Gold to Protect and Grow Wealth

 Автор: Donald Luskin

  The guide to returning to a gold standard All that glitters is gold and gold has never glittered so much as it has in the last decade, reaching staggering new prices in recent years. The definitive modern argument to returning to a gold standard, The New Gold Standard succinctly and clearly explains the nature of sound money, the causes and cures of inflation and deflation, the importance of fiscal responsibility within a sound monetary system,
 Trading Tools and Tactics. Reading the Mind of the Market
 Trading Tools and Tactics. Reading the Mind of the Market

 Автор: Greg Capra

  From the founder of the leading online trading education company Pristine.com, a simple technical method to trade or invest Many trading books present esoteric trading concepts and complicated indicators that may look good on paper when viewing the past, but prove ineffective in the real world. Trading Tools and Tactics: Reading the Mind of the Market doesn't just make investing look easy; it makes trading easy by teaching you not only how to id
 Ben Graham Was a Quant. Raising the IQ of the Intelligent Investor
 Ben Graham Was a Quant. Raising the IQ of the Intelligent Investor

 Автор: Steven Greiner P.

  Innovative insights on creating models that will help you become a disciplined intelligent investor The pioneer of value investing, Benjamin Graham, believed in a philosophy that continues to be followed by some of today's most successful investors, such as Warren Buffett. Part of this philosophy includes adhering to your stock selection process come «hell or high water» which, in his view, was one of the most important aspects of investing. So,
 The Crisis of Crowding. Quant Copycats, Ugly Models, and the New Crash Normal
 The Crisis of Crowding. Quant Copycats, Ugly Models, and the New Crash Normal

 Автор: Ludwig Chincarini B.

  A rare analytical look at the financial crisis using simple analysis The economic crisis that began in 2008 revealed the numerous problems in our financial system, from the way mortgage loans were produced to the way Wall Street banks leveraged themselves. Curiously enough, however, most of the reasons for the banking collapse are very similar to the reasons that Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), the largest hedge fund to date, collapsed in 1
 The CME Group Risk Management Handbook. Products and Applications
 The CME Group Risk Management Handbook. Products and Applications

 Автор: Leo Melamed

  Praise for The CME Group Risk Management Handbook «Wow! The CME Group Risk Management Handbook is a 'ten strike' and long overdue. A must-read and reference for the risk management industry!» —Jack Sandner, retired chairman of CME Group, member of the Executive Committee «This is a powerful book for its integration of futures and options markets with an understanding of the whole economy. It is an eye-opener to see how central these markets are
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