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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Risk of Trading. Mastering the Most Important Element in Financial Speculation
 The Risk of Trading. Mastering the Most Important Element in Financial Speculation

 Автор: Michael Toma

  Develop the skills to manage risk in the high-stakes world of financial speculation The Risk of Trading is a practical resource that takes an in-depth look at one of the most challenging factors of trading—risk management. The book puts a magnifying glass on the issue of risk, something that every trader needs to understand in order to be successful. Most traders look at risk in terms of a «stop-loss» that enables them to exit a losing trade qui
 The Art and Science of Technical Analysis. Market Structure, Price Action and Trading Strategies
 The Art and Science of Technical Analysis. Market Structure, Price Action and Trading Strategies

 Автор: Adam Grimes

  A breakthrough trading book that provides powerful insights on profitable technical patterns and strategies The Art and Science of Technical Analysis is a groundbreaking work that bridges the gaps between the academic view of markets, technical analysis, and profitable trading. The book explores why randomness prevails in markets most, but not all, of the time and how technical analysis can be used to capture statistically validated patterns in
 Options for Volatile Markets. Managing Volatility and Protecting Against Catastrophic Risk
 Options for Volatile Markets. Managing Volatility and Protecting Against Catastrophic Risk

 Автор: Richard Lehman

  Practical option strategies for the new post-crisis financial market Traditional buy-and-hold investing has been seriously challenged in the wake of the recent financial crisis. With economic and market uncertainty at a very high level, options are still the most effective tool available for managing volatility and downside risk, yet they remain widely underutilized by individuals and investment managers. In Options for Volatile Markets, Richard

 Think Like the Great Investors. Make Better Decisions and Raise Your Investing to a New Level
 Think Like the Great Investors. Make Better Decisions and Raise Your Investing to a New Level

 Автор: Colin Nicholson

  Achieve a new level of investing and trading success by defeating your worst enemy—yourself Successful trading relies on three vital skills: market analysis, money management, and decision-making. The first two are straightforward skills anyone can learn, but the third is much more difficult. Your ability to make the right decisions isn't based on hard facts, but psychological realities like your own temperament, your own biases, and the biases
 Intermediate Structured Finance Modeling. Leveraging Excel, VBA, Access, and Powerpoint
 Intermediate Structured Finance Modeling. Leveraging Excel, VBA, Access, and Powerpoint

 Автор: William Preinitz

  This book provides a pragmatic, hands-on approach to reaching an intermediate level of sophistication as a financial modeler. Expanding on the first book, A Fast Tract to Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring, and Valuation, the book will guide you step-by-step through using learned principals in new and more powerful applications. These applications will build on the knowledge of Excel and VBA gained, expand the use of Access for data managem
 Stewardship. Lessons Learned from the Lost Culture of Wall Street
 Stewardship. Lessons Learned from the Lost Culture of Wall Street

 Автор: John C. Bogle

  A compelling argument for why stewardship of wealth and service to others should be our highest financial priority Stewardship is the journey of financial insider John Taft towards understanding and affirming the importance of stewardship—which he has come to define as «serving others»—as a core principle for the financial services industry, the global financial system, and society at large. By defining the attributes of authentic stewardship, t
 Trading Secrets. Killer trading strategies to beat the markets and finally achieve the success you deserve
 Trading Secrets. Killer trading strategies to beat the markets and finally achieve the success you deserve

 Автор: Louise Bedford

  A practical, informative, and accessible guide to getting started in trading Louise Bedford has been coaching and mentoring traders for almost twenty years, and in Trading Secrets, Third Edition she's back to share what she's learned. Whether you're just starting out in the trading world, or you're an old hand looking for some new tricks, this book is for you. Packed with everything you need to get in on the action and consistently profit from t
 ERM - Enterprise Risk Management. Issues and Cases
 ERM - Enterprise Risk Management. Issues and Cases

 Автор: Jean-Paul Louisot

  A wealth of international case studies illustrating current issues and emerging best practices in enterprise risk management Despite enterprise risk management's relative newness as a recognized business discipline, the marketplace is replete with guides and references for ERM practitioners. Yet, until now, few case studies illustrating ERM in action have appeared in the literature. One reason for this is that, until recently, there were many di
 Uncommon Sense. Investment Wisdom Since the Stock Market's Dawn
 Uncommon Sense. Investment Wisdom Since the Stock Market's Dawn

 Автор: Michael Kemp

  Question everything – and become a better investor in the process Uncommon Sense takes readers on a four-century journey; from the dawn of public share ownership (in 1602) right up to today. But this is not simply a history book. It's a book for serious investors. Along the way it reveals the fascinating stories, the market characters and the important financial developments that have sculpted the thinking behind the value investor's craft. Blen
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